3/15/19 - Funny

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"Could you just call me Pigeon?" He asked the teacher when she read his name. 

"Does your mother call you Pigeon?"


"Then to me you are Paul."


"Nathan Sutter," the teacher read.

"My mother never calls me Nathan."

"Is it Nate?"

"She calls me Honeylips."

- Brandon Mull, The Candy Shop War

Ha. I love how he turned that around on the teacher. Honestly, I think she kind of deserved it.

Personally, I've never had a teacher like that. All my teachers are nice enough to call me what I want to be called (granted, it isn't something like "Pigeon").

Some of my teachers call me by my nickname, Alli, which is what my mom calls me. My eighth grade science teacher called me "Allisinium," which was technically a self-given name. 

My initials are "AL," the first two letters of my name are "Al," and the atomic symbol for Aluminum is "Al."  Its atomic number is 13, and I was 13 when I discovered this.  

I was walking to class with some friends one day, and they were arguing about the pronunciation of "Aluminum." "A-loom-in-um" or "Al-you-min-y-um." So I said it was "Al-i-sin-y-um." From then on, Allisinium has been my Kahoot/Quizizz name. And that's why my element is aluminum. 

Sorry for blabbering. That was kind of random. Do you have any weird nicknames?

On a different note, my theatre competition is next week. If you didn't know, we are doing "The Three Musketeers." At rehearsal yesterday and today, I somehow ended up filling in for Sabine, as well as playing my parts. I'm not even her understudy. I'm Constance's understudy. Anyways, it felt awkward to have a script on stage, and I had no idea what I was doing, but it was fun.

Also, two seniors who graduated last year came and visited us and watched our show yesterday. It was great to see them again!

And today, we did something called a "fun run." We wrote stuff on slips of paper, and put them in buckets on each side of the stage. We had to draw a new one before each entrance and do what it said. D'Artagnon's father had to sing his lines, Athos had to use an Irish accent, the Queen had to do "The YMCA" through the whole scene, d'Artagnon had to be super clumsy, and so on. Constance had to bark after each of her lines, which was especially funny when Rochefort entered and said, "Ugh, it's the puppy. I should have killed you yesterday," after one of Constances lines (arf arf). It was a blast!

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night, _(insert nickname here)_!

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