2/19/19 - Only a true bookworm can understand

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"That moment when you finish a book, look around, and realize that everyone is just carrying on with their lives...

As though you didn't just experience emotional trauma at the hands of a paperback."

- Unknown (it was a meme on Google images)

I was going to put something funny today, but it just didn't seem right after what happened to me a few minutes ago.

I finished Dragonwatch: Wrath of the Dragon King. And it ended in a cliffhanger. And the next book isn't out yet.

HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM DYING..................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't imagine a worse ending. There is only one way to explain this to you without spoiling it:

Gaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhblesdftgvxdhjb xxx d r jkkkgfcvbbjdedgbnnmmjiuuuh gvdeg cdghklmnvfggujknhhggfxxvnjhtfbjkpppifwwsxvghhjj bvcgg dghn gbvfrthbbgthwqsghlp AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!

When I read the end, I was trying not to scream and holding back tears. A lot of clawing the air was involved. I feel like I'm exploding on the inside. It was just as bad as the end of Neverseen! (If you've read the books, you'll understand!)

Anyways, that's why I put this quote because that describes what just happened to me (except for it was a hard cover). 

If you understand, please let me know what book is killing you!! Personally, I'm still waiting for Keeper of the Lost Cities book eight. That had a cliffhanger, too, but not as bad. Nothing is this bad.

Also please vote, comment, and share with your friends! Bye! Have a wonderful night! (Unlike me. I will never be ok)

(P.S. Apparently I was confused. My improv show is next Tuesday. Thanks for the support, though!) 

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