2/21/20 - Funny

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"I think I'm maxed out on adventure for a while."

- Keefe, (Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger)

OK, the quote itself isn't that funny, but I have a funny story. 

So on Wednesday nights, I go to Mutual, which is a group activity with the other youth in my church.

Last night, we did a picture scavenger hunt. We were split into 3 teams, and we had to find things in stores and take a picture. We went to Wal-Mart, Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, and Lowe's.

For bonus points, we had to do some things and take a video. For example: pretend there is an earthquake, compliment someone, tell a stranger "Have a nice day!", etc.

One of them was to ask for the nutrition facts of a non-food item. 

We were at Lowe's, and my friend grabbed a tube of "Silicone." She was too scared to do it, so I had to.

After searching for an employee, we eventually found an old lady. Here's how it happened:

She asked us if we needed help.

I asked her if I could get the nutrition facts on the product.

"The what?" She asked.

"The nutrition facts," I repeated.

Then she told me something along the lines of "I would not recommend consuming this because it is not an oral......product." 

She went on to explain why I shouldn't eat it. "The chances of this solidifying in your colon are very high....."

She said more, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was trying----and failing----to contain my laughter. I have no idea how she kept a straight face when my friends and I were dying laughing.

I did explain to her afterwards that it was part of a scavenger hunt, and she said she figured, because they had scavenger hunters earlier. Yet she still managed to sound serious.

Ha! Someone on one of the teams was named Hunter. Scavenger Hunter!? (Sorry, bad pun;)

Anyways, I'm sure reading it isn't as funny as seeing it. Sorry! 

Also, I was smothered by a puppy today.

We were reading Othello in English class, and doing our best to act it out with what little resources we had.

We were on the last act, and I was reading for Desdemona. My teacher had pushed four desks together, which acted as the bed (it was not very comfortable. I've laid on a more comfortable Shakespearean deathbed;).

Desdemona is supposed to get smothered by a pillow, but my teacher didn't have one. She did, however, have a stuffed animal puppy. 

So I laid on some desks with a puppy on my face for about 50 minutes today.

After this, and my Clinic that I had last Friday, I agree with Keefe: "I think I'm maxed out on adventure for a while."

That's too bad, though, because I have another Clinic tomorrow and Saturday. 

What adventures have you had lately?

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And try not to get maxed out on adventure!

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