3/7/19 - Inspirational

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"No one ever changed the world by being beautiful. If you want to make a difference, you can't let something as trivial as appearance get in your way. A daisy doesn't need the roses' permission to bloom ---- and neither do you."

- Chris Colfer, Worlds Collide

This is so true. Looking pretty doesn't do anything for the world. 

What really matters is the beauty on the inside. That's what makes the world a better place.

But if you're too scared to take a step forward and make a change because you'll "look ridiculous" or you'll be judged because you're "not pretty enough," "not smart enough," "not strong enough," "not good enough," etc., then nothing will change.

In the long run, appearances don't really matter. What matters is who you are inside. Your desire to help others and to make the world a better place.

Like the quote said, you don't need the permission of the people who seem "better" than you to step up and make a difference. 

A rose may be beautiful, but so is the daisy.

And those roses aren't actually any better than you are. You are beautiful in your own way. You're smarter than you think. You're stronger than you know. And not only are you good enough, but you are more than amazing. If you put unimportant appearances aside, you will make a difference.

If you remember my indulgence quote from a few days ago, appearance is something else you can indulge in. If you spend too much time trying to look beautiful on the outside, then you won't have enough time to develop the beauty on the inside. Obsessing over appearances only harms you. 

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye have a wonderful night! Remember that you are beautiful!

(P.s. Some good news and bad news.

Good news: tomorrow's the last day of school before spring break.

Bad news: My BFF and some of my other friends left on a band trip to Disney today, so I won't get to see them for a while. :( 

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