3/13/19 - Funny

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"Whoa, back the T-Rex up!"

- Keefe (Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger) 

When someone is telling you something important too fast for you to process, this is so much better than a plain old "Back it up," "hold on," or "wait a minute."

It's getting late, so tonight's is short. Sorry!

Some of my cousins came over today, and I played Littlest Pet Shop with my 4-year-old cousin. I totally didn't make the green-eyed cat and the blue-eyed ladybug into superheroes. Just like I didn't make them kiss when she wasn't paying attention. I totally didn't have them fight the purple butterfly while she was using the restroom. And I definitely did not imagine this post while I was----excuse me----was NOT pretending they were Ladybug and Chat Noir.

I need help.

Also, I got to rewatch "Star wars: A new hope," and "the empire strikes back," today. It was great! 

My spring break is pretty muchly over now. Not officially, but I'm going back to school tomorrow----for rehearsal, that is. It's not bad (I mean, I get to use a sword. How could it be bad?;) It's just that I can no longer vegitate until Tuesday.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! (I need to back the T-Rex up a little, don't I?)

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