4/7/19 - Inspirational

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"When expectations overwhelm us, we can step back and ask Heavenly Father what to let go of. Part of our life experience is learning what not to do."

- Sharon L. Eubank

We can't do it all. God doesn't expect us to do it all. But sometimes we are overachievers and take on more than we are capable of. Then we feel like we are expected to do it all, and it overwhelms us. If we try to do it all, it will exhaust us and we will do none of it well.

So the answer? Stepping back and asking God what's really important. What do you need to keep doing, and what can you let go of? If you listen to what He says, your stress will lessen and you won't be overwhelmed with expectations.

Personally, I am one of those people who needs that advice. I perform in plays, while trying to maintain straight A's in PreAP and AP classes. And every time someone asks for volunteers, I'm usually one of the first to raise my hand. I tend to bite off more than I can chew. (This is also why I haven't been working on my stories much;). 

I'm trying to take a step back and lessen my work load. I'm not taking the theatre class that requires me to participate in all the plays next year, and I'm not volunteering for all the little things I want to do. But if I ask the Lord what I should let go of, He will help me know what I should stop doing and help me let go of it.

So if you're like me, follow the advice in this quote; take a step back, and let God help you let go. 

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful night! And let God help you know when to let go!

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