4/12/19 - Inspirational

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"What'll you do if you can't find a way to cure him?" Seth asked.

Dale paused. "I'll never know that day has come, because I'll never stop trying."

― Brandon Mull, Fablehaven

I love this quote. When we have a goal, we should never give up on it, even when it seems impossible. A solution to your problem might not be in sight, but you'll never know if you quit trying to find it. 

That's all the analysis I have for this quote, but I'm just going to talk. I know I announced this earlier, but I got the part I wanted in Senior Directs (this is when groups of our high school seniors get together and direct a few shows;)!!!!

Anyways, I'm playing Blossom from "Antic Spring." And she's not an old lady! She's a 14 year old who acts 8!

It's a 6 person cast, and 5 of us are Sophomores.

The story of Blossom is that she likes Elbert, but he thinks she's annoying and spends the whole play trying (and failing) to get rid of her.

Also, I'm pretty sure my scene partner (who plays Elbert) has a crush on me. I kind of have been suspecting it for a while, but I got even more suspicious yesterday when he was acting overly excited to be my scene partner.

And today, (I forgot what my other friend said first), but "Elbert" said, "Please kill me last because I have a show tonight. Also, don't kill (my name) because I don't want her to die." I want to point out there were other people there, yet he only mentioned me in that second part.

I asked why he didn't want me to die, and he said because I was his friend. Then I said "I thought you said you didn't have any friends," (Which he had said a few months ago). He admitted that he lied.

Then later, he was calling me his "fake girlfriend" and saying Elbert and Blossom were the power couple of the century. Then another friend started teasing him about having a crush on me. He never denied it. He said something along the lines of, "Hey, Blossom has a crush on Elbert. I have to return the favor somehow."

I kind of ignored that he had just said that because I didn't want to deal with it, because I like him AS A FRIEND.

So, am I just confused, or does it sound like he likes me?

Also, I know the friend who was teasing him likes me, because he sort of asked me out last year. (I say "sort of" because he asked me to homecoming Junior year, and we were Freshmen).

Anyways, I have no idea why I told you all that. Sorry for ranting. Also, sorry this is so late.

Please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! And never stop trying!!!!!

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