2/15/19 - Funny

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"We all have secrets. And reasons. And many of us have earlobes."

"Are you trying to be funny?"

"No," Ronodin said. "I am succeeding." 

- Brandon Mull, Dragonwatch; Wrath of the Dragon King

I read this quote earlier today, and knew I had to put it in this book.

I just love how he's sounding all serious, than suddenly starts talking about earlobes. That was kinda funny, but not really.

The really funny part was when Kendra asked him if he was trying to be funny, and he said he was succeeding at being funny. 

This is me though. I say something I think is funny, and people are like, "Was that supposed to be funny?" And then I'm like, "It was funny!"

Who else can relate?

Anyways, please vote, comment, and share with your friends. Bye! Have a wonderful day! I have succeeded at being funny!

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