Chapter Nineteen

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I know..

      "Um.. well, it certainly was delicious, despite the odd spices you put in it," I said, putting the empty plates on top of each other. My mother noticed me immediately, but not in the way that I had hoped...

"Done already? You hardly ate," She stated.

"She's getting too thin," Aunt Safia interrupted.

I could guess you were wondering why I hadn't mentioned her coming here at all... but even my father had no idea. When she knocked on the door thirty minutes after prayer, we were all confused. When we asked, She said she was just in the neighborhood and needed a place to pray. And of course, we convinced her out of kindness to join us for dinner. She agreed.

"Really?" I laughed, "I think I'm ok, auntie."

"Definitely not ok!" She beamed, "You know, I know someone who knows someone who is as thin as you. Do You know what she did?"

"Of course not. I don't know her," I replied.

"She began to gain weight as soon as she took pills from the pharmacy. Then, she got married." She said the last part before sipping her tea, which made it even more ridiculous.

I rolled my eyes.

The only thing crazy about this situation was that I was actually going on with this all. She was always my least favorite aunt. It was as if her only job was to remind us that we were not perfect, nor marriage-proof. But no matter how sharp her words were, I and my sister always found a way to dodge them. And I thank god for that.

I've thought about this a lot, why she seemed so cruel. That was until my mother accidentally spilled the tea, literally. She mumbled something of how Safia was somewhat right when she never wanted her to marry her brother. What doubled her coldness, was when her husband died of illness. She also asked for both me and my sister's hand in marriage when we were in high school. Her son was everyone's dream but we just didn't see him like that. And We obviously had better plans then living with the two.

"Ok.. how is she now?" I questioned.

"Very ill."

"Exactly." I smiled.


      There were certain situations in life, where no matter how many times they have been repeated, you couldn't just get used to it. At all.

"Don't get used to it," He told me, just as I threw my jacket into the wardrobe. I rolled my eyes. There was no way I was getting used to anything, at this point. I looked at him with a raised brow and asked as politely as I could sound after slipping and falling on the cold-hearted snow.

"What, do you mean?" I gritted.

"Uh. Gabriel? That ring a bell..?" He asked.

"Still no." I crossed my arms on my chest, to seem as if I had no time to lose. But truth be told, I had all the time in the world thanks to the winter break. Sure, it was only a week or so but you'll grow to learn how valuable these breaks are.

Unless you're a parent, of course.

"They could never make it." He blurted out, "He could play the cute girl scout but those cookies won't do much."

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