A New Teacher

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New year. Same old shit.

School was such a waste of time and I couldn't wait to leave. Like, what even was the point of all these bullshitter subjects?

Slowly, but surely, I was getting closer to leaving this hellhole. Thank fuck for that.

I was in my second to last year and you have no idea how much I was looking forward to next year. I heard senior year goes by in like, an instant.

I walked through the gate and headed to where my friend(s?) usually hung out.

My friend (only friend), Willow, smiled when she saw me. "Hey, Frank! How was your summer?"

I shrugged as she hugged me. I was never really into the whole hugging thing but I let her hug me anyway. "Alright I suppose. How was yours?"

"Same," She continued to smile. She was quite possibly the most happy person I knew and honestly, it was kinda stepping on my vibe of hating myself and the rest of the world.

We talked for a bit about random shit; catching up.

"Hey, have you seen the new Drama teacher?" She suddenly asked.

I frowned, having forgotten that we were getting a new teacher. Our last one had left at the end of last year.

I wasn't that bothered. She hadn't exactly made a massive impression on me. To be honest, she was a grumpy old bitch.

I shook my head in reply.

"Me either but I've heard he's hot!" Willow giggled.

Hot? A teacher at our school... Hot?

I seriously doubted it. Like, have you seen the old fossils at our school?

"And young," She added.

Really? A new young, hot Drama teacher?

Somehow I didn't believe this rumour. It sounded like some miracle that was definitely too good for our shitty school. What young, hot person would willingly want to teach the twats here?

The rest of our teachers were all pretty ancient. Especially the male ones. I think the youngest one was in his late thirties. And even he looked old for his age. There was no eye candy at all and it made school even more draining than it already was.

I couldn't imagine an attractive, young teacher wanting to work here. Not at fucking all.

"I doubt he's hot," I smirked, "Who did you hear this from?"

"Eva," Willow bit her lip.

"There you go. She's always making up shit. I wouldn't believe her if I were you."

Willow didn't say anything for a moment before perking up again. "Well, we have Drama first so I guess we'll just have to wait and see for ourselves."

I shrugged. "I guess."


I arrived to drama at the usual time. I was usually one of the last to arrive because my Homeroom was across campus.

The rest of the class had grabbed chairs and were sitting in front of the teacher's desk like normal. There didn't actually seem to be a teacher though.

I seized a chair and joined the others.

Willow smiled as I sat down next to her.

"Where's this 'hot' teacher then?" I raised an eyebrow.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "He'll be here. Just you wait!"

I shook my head. This was ridiculous.

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