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Lisa's P.O.V

"Oh my god, Christina! Can you drive any fucking slower?!"

"Hey Lisa, language!"

"Katherine, Lauren's in the fucking hospital! I really don't think anyone gives a shit if I curse, alright?!"

"Hey Lise," Amy said resting her hand on my thigh, "it's going to be okay. Lauren's gonna be fine. She was just in a little car accident. Stay calm alright? The last thing we need is for us to start fighting and fall apart. We need to stay strong... for Lauren. And for the rest of our family. So let's try to relax, alright? ... Come on, take some deep breaths." Amy was right. We had to stay calm... but I just couldn't. The girl I love is in the hospital right now. She was in a car accident. It could be small, or it could be catastrophic. We don't know yet. The only thing we do know is that Lauren's unconscious which means we don't know how bad the damage is. And we won't know until she wakes up which could be at any time. It could be in a few hours or I could be in a few months. Who knows? Maybe she won't wake up... No, I can't think like that... Everything's gonna be okay.

I signed and laid my head against the window and shut my eyes, praying that Lauren will be okay. Please God, I can't lose her. I love her. I need her in my life. We all do.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw I had a text from Dani.

Dani: Hey, we just got here. Where are you?

"Guys, how close are we? Dani wants to know."

"About 2 minutes or so," Kath said plainly.

Lisa: We're about 2 mins away. Any news?

Dani: Idk yet, we just got here and we're waiting for the doctor.

Lisa: Did you see her yet?

Dani: Not yet, Lise, I'll let you know.

Lisa: Okay. I love you, Dan.

Dani: Love you too Lise. See you soon

With that, I put my head in my hands and started crying softly. Amy noticed and pulled me in for a hug, letting me rest my head on her shoulder. A few minutes later, we arrived at the hospital. I jumped out of the car and started running as fast as I could to the front desk.

"Excuse me, hi I'm looking for Lauren Cimorelli? We're her family. She came in a little while ago. If you could just please point me in the-"

"Lisa!" I quickly turned my head and saw Dani down the hallway. I ran to her and pulled her into a hug. Both of us were on the verge of tears.

"Where is she? Is she okay? Is there any news since we last talked?" I asked Dani rambling on because of how nervous I was.

"Lise calm down, there's no news. But let's go sit in the waiting room with everyone else." Dani grabbed my hand and led me down a hallway, the rest of my sisters were following close behind us. We reached a waiting room that was filled with the rest of my family. They all got up to greet us as we continued to wait in silence for the doctors to come out with any news.

After a little while, I looked around at everyone, and saw Christina, standing over near the corner of the room alone, leaning against the wall, and looking down at the ground. I decided to get up and go talk to her.

"Hey Chris," I said getting her attention.

"Hey," she replied in a brittle voice. Her eyes were all bloodshot and it was pretty obvious that she had been crying a lot. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head. "No," I said brazenly. She nodded her head in an understanding way and looked down at the ground again, probably not knowing what to say. What do you even say in situations like these? "I just... I wanted to apologize. For earlier... in the car, when I yelled at you. I was out of line and I let my emotions get the best of me. I'm really sorry."

"There's no need to apologize, Lise, I know. We're in a tough spot at the moment and I totally understand. I also know how close both you and Lauren are so this must really be tough for you."

"Yeah... it really is. It must be hard for you too. Considering the special bond you guys have." I chuckled. "You know, birthday twins." She laughed too.

"Yeah... you're right." She looked up at me with so much pain and sadness in her eyes. Being the oldest sister, Christina never really showed much of her emotions around us. Especially sadness. She wanted to serve as a role model for us so she never wanted us to see her cry. She always wanted to be strong for us, so whenever she was going through anything, she would always suppress her feelings and just be there for us. Whatever we needed, she was always there. Now it was my turn to be there for her.

"Come here," I said as I held my arms open. She obliged and walked over to me, and wrapped her arms around me tightly. I heard her start to cry as she buried her head into my shoulder. That alone made me start to cry as well. We sat down on the chairs next to each other and she rested her head on my shoulder as we waited in agony for the doctors to come with some news.

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now