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Lisa's P.O.V

"Okay, you three can come back now if you'd like." The doctor said referring to Christina, Katherine, and Amy. They got up and followed him down the hallway just as Dani and I had done a little while ago.

"Hey girls, what did she say to you?" My mom asked us.

"Uh nothing really mom, she was just kind complaining."

"What was she complaining about?"

"Nothing in particular just... life," I said cautiously, obviously not going to tell her what Lauren was actually complaining about.

"Did she remember anything?"

"No mom, like I said she was just complaining." After our conversation, my mom just laid back in her seat. Dani walked over to where we were previously sitting which was on the opposite side of the waiting room, away from the rest of our family. I followed her and sat next to her.

"Lisa we have a problem."

"What? What is it?" I asked concerned not knowing what she was referring to.

"Lauren's totally crushing on you." I started laughing loudly causing everyone to look at me. I apologized since it was a very inappropriate time to laugh. In a room full of people waiting to hear how their loved one did in surgery... to see if they're even still alive... I shook my head trying to rid myself of those thoughts and turned my attention back to Dani.

"Are you insane? She's not. She's just... being friendly." I said trying to convince her. Now that I think about it, what if she was flirting with me? No, she couldn't be, she doesn't like me like that. Does she?

"Lisa you're literally blind if you can't see that. She was clearly attracted to you and was trying to make a move on you."

"Dani no she wasn't. I'm her sister. She would never do that."

"Lisa. She doesn't remember you're her sister. She doesn't even know what you are to her."

"Oh shit Dani, you're right," I said panicking realizing Lauren didn't know I'm her sister and could actually have a crush on me. "Oh my god, what am I going to do?!"

"Well this is what you wanted, isn't it? For Lauren to like you more than a sister? And now she does. You should be happy."

"No no no Dani. I fell in love with Lauren for who she is. For her amazing personality and sense of humor and so many other things. Not just her looks! And I want Lauren to love me for my personality, not my looks! So this is all wrong." I sighed heavily leaning my head against the back of the chair. I felt Dani's hand rest on top of mine and I smiled slightly at the contact.

"Okay are you guys ready?" I heard the doctors voice again and looked up to see him bringing all five of my brothers back to see Lauren. I guess he gave up on the whole two at a time rule. I saw my three sisters start walking towards us and it looked like they wanted talk to us, so I sat upright in my chair.

"Guys we need to talk," Christina said when they reached us, taking the lead per usual.

"What's up?" Dani asked sitting up as well.

"So while we were in Lauren's room talking to her, she was going on about some random, irrelevant stuff that we weren't really paying attention to. But then she kept talking about this girl that came into her room a little while before. She didn't tell us anything about her, but she kept going on about how attractive she was."

"Okay and?" Dani said impatiently.

"Okay well, I think this whole amnesia thing is letting Lauren show her true self... You know, with no boundaries. So... I think she might be gay."

I almost starting laughing. "Yeah and? You act like this is shocking or something." Dani said slightly laughing.

"What?" Christina said in shock. "You knew? She told you?" She asked with a sense of urgency.

"Well not necessarily. She never told me but I totally got this vibe from her, you know?" Dani told her in a nonchalant tone.

"No, I don't know. You're telling me Lauren's gay?" Christina asked again?

"Wasn't she literally on her way to ask out a guy when this all happened?" Katherine asked. Her bringing that up again made me cringe. "Why would she be asking out a guy if she's gay?"

"Bisexuality's a thing, Kath," Dani said matter of factly leaning her head back and closing her eyes. "You do know that right?"

"Yeah, I do. I just didn't think Lauren was... that."

"Well, I'm not saying she is or she isn't. Only she can tell you that. When she remembers everything." I told them. Katherine nodded her head and looked at the floor. I saw Dani giving her a confused look.

"Is there gonna be a problem Kath? Or anyone for that matter?" Dani asked in an angry protective tone.

"No of course not," Katherine replied. "I just need some time to... I don't know... wrap my head around it. That's all."

"Alright," Dani said. Everyone shook their heads in agreement except for Christina who looked suddenly uninterested with the conversation because she was just staring out the window that was in front of us. I decided to just brush it off since it was probably nothing. "She's still the same person. No matter her sexuality. Just remember that guys." I smiled at how protective Dani was of Lauren. And of how accepting she is. She's amazing.

I looked up and saw the doctor come back out with my brothers. My parents got up to talk to him so we all followed as well to hear what he was saying.

"So you all had a chance to speak with her, right?" We all nodded our heads. "Alright, well I suggest you all let Lauren get some rest. And you all should too. You've been here all day and you'll need your energy in a few days when Lauren is ready to go home with you guys. That's another thing. Make sure you have a space prepared for her when she comes home. Something on the lower level of the house would be ideal considering she will probably have a tough time walking and won't be able to get up the stairs easily." He said looking down at his watch. "It's 7 pm and visiting hours are almost over. You guys should go home, try and eat something and get a good nights rest. You can come back at 9 am tomorrow to see her again if you'd like. We'll call you if anything changes."

"Alright thank you so much. For everything." My mom told him. He smiled and walked away.

"Alright, so which house is Lauren gonna stay at?" Amy asked.

"As much as I would like for her to be at home with us, I think it's better if she stays with you guys the first couple days. At least until she gets her memory back." Our mom said to us. "I think you guys will have a better chance at getting her to remember things because of how close you all are. Plus the four of you guys will have no problem taking care of her, right?"

The four of us nodded our heads. "Yeah and Dani can stay over with us for a while since the two of them are inseparable." I laughed. Dani smiled at me.

"Alright, let's go home and get some rest and get back here early tomorrow to see her again." Our mom said as she started walking out of the hospital.

The five of us all got into Christina's car and headed home. We didn't want to leave Dani because of how hard this is for her so we told her to spend the night with us.

After getting home and trying to eat something, we decided to try and go to sleep early to make up for the lack of sleep we got the night prior.

Sleeping was honestly so hard because my mind just kept racing. I couldn't stop thinking about Lauren. I decided to just close my eyes and try my best to sleep.

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