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Katherine's P.O.V

Lisa took Lauren upstairs for whatever reason so I decided to sit down at our kitchen table and do some more research about the whole amnesia thing. I only know a little bit about it from like things I've heard in movies and now that my little sister has it, I want to know exactly what it was.

Googling it, I found out a lot of things that I didn't know before, some of which were very jarring.

"Hey, guys?" I called out to my sisters in the other room, hoping they'd heard me.

"Yeah?" I heard Amy call back.

"Can you guys come in here real quick? I have something to show you." Amy, Christina, and Dani, all came wandering into the kitchen where I was. Amy took a seat next to me.

"What's up Kath?" She asked looking rather concerned.

"Can you all sit down? This is important."

Dani and Chris sat down in various seats at the table. They looked at me expectingly, waiting for me to tell them why I called them all in here.

"Wait, do we need Lisa and Lauren?" Christina asked quickly before I could speak.

"No, we can tell them later." She nodded her head in acknowledgment to my response. "So because Lauren has amnesia, I wanted to try and research it and kind of figure out what we're supposed to do. And I read, that some people who experience amnesia, don't remember what happens during that state."

They all looked at me confused by what I was saying. "Wait so, whatever we tell Lauren when she has amnesia, she won't remember after she gets her memory's back?" Dani asked.

"No, of course, that's not what she means," Christina replied before I could. "Remember I said we have to keep the truth from her because it could alter her memories? That would completely contradict what I read."

"Christina, I'm sorry to say but you're wrong." She gave me a look of utmost disgust as I told her that. "I'm sorry but it's true. I don't know where you read that but it's not true. Doctors have described some kinds of amnesia as almost like a blackout drunk state."

"Well I don't know what being blackout drunk is like because I don't drink," Christina said matter of factly.

"Christina come on. None of us do, but this is serious. Please just let Kath finish." Amy said in an anxious tone.

"Okay sorry," Chris replied in a defensively.

"So what I'm guessing by this article, is that when Laur regains all her old memories, the last thing she'll remember is probably being at the studio. Maybe even the car accident, but not the hospital or anything else we've said to her."

"Are you kidding?!" Dani shouted. "That can't be right."

"It's what it says Dan."

"Well, how do we know that information's not wrong?" Christina asked, actually making a good point for once.

"Because it's been approved by multiple doctors. Not to mention, I've read amnesia being described similarly in a lot of other articles I've seen."

Christian sighed. "Dani, did any of Lauren's nurses or doctors tell you anything about this? Or explain anything to you about this?"

"Uh no? I don't think so. But um, when we were leaving the hospital, the nurse said she was gonna give us paperwork that detailed how to care for Lauren and more on her condition. Maybe it says something in there."

"Where is it?" Amy asked quickly, as she stood up ready to go and get the papers.

Dani sighed. "I don't know, mom probably has them." Amy reached into her pocket quickly pulling out her phone, most likely to call our mom. She walked out of the kitchen and into the other room. We could barely make out what she was saying so we just decided to wait for her to come back and tell us.

Amy came walking back into the room after a few minutes, looking down at the ground.

"Well," Christina said. "Does she have them?"

Amy nodded her head as she looked up with tears in her eyes. "Mom has them, so I asked her to read what they said so we could avoid the drive and all." Her voice started to become shaky. "She said it was written that Lauren most likely has a certain kind of amnesia that lasts briefly. I forget what she said it's called but it causes the patient to lose all of their prior memories, temporarily of course, but they also have trouble forming new ones."

"So what Kath said?" Dani asked. Amy nodded her head.

"I mean I think so. It sounds like what Kath was describing, doesn't it?" Amy said. As they were talking, I looked up the symptoms Amy was describing.

"Guys I think I found it," I said. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. "It says here, 'Certain types of amnesia can cause temporary loss of all memory. In severe cases, difficulty forming new memories. This type of amnesia is typically found when a patient experiences major head trauma such as a violent assault, or a car crash.' It also says some doctors have described this type of amnesia as being 'blackout drunk' where, when you remember your old memories, the last thing you can remember is something prior to your accident, forgetting everything in between the time of your accident and when you regain your memories."

We all sighed knowing this was most likely what Lauren had. "Well, I guess that means we can tell her everything then. About us all being family and about our band. No more lying." Christina told us all, we agreed knowing there was no point in lying to her anymore.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Soon, we saw Lisa entered the kitchen. "Hey, guys, what are you all up to?" She asked walking towards the refrigerator.

"Wait where's Lauren?" I asked.

"She was tired and she fell asleep on my bed. I mean it's kinda late and all. Plus she has been through a lot so I figured she would want some sleep... why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Lise... we kinda found out some stuff. About Lauren's amnesia."

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