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Lauren's P.O.V

"Are you sure about this? What are gonna say to them? Like are you gonna tell them about you and Lisa? Or somethi-"

"No we're not gonna talk about Lisa, I just want to see the rest of my family. I had no idea I had five brothers... how big is our family?" Both Christina and I laughed as we sat in her truck in my parent's driveway. I decided I wanted to see them since I haven't seen them since I was in the hospital. Christina also told me that my actual room is in this house and I wanted to see if I remember anything.

"Alright, so are you ready?" Christina asked as I nodded my head in response. We both got out of her truck and walked to the front door. I walked a little slower than usual and tried to observe a lot of my surroundings. Considering I probably spent most of my time at this house and I was probably used to walking around outside of it, I thought it might jog some of my memories. When nothing seemed to help me remember anything, we walked up to the front door, and Christina knocked on it. We waited for a bit and then knocked again. There was still no answer.

Christina sighed, "they might be out back or upstairs so they can't hear me knocking." She said as she rang the doorbell a few times.

"Well don't you have a key?" I asked her. Being that it was her parents' house, I figured she'd have one.

"No, the only people that have a key to this house are the ones that live here."

I gave her a confused look. "Why doesn't everyone in the family have one?"

"Because then, we would have to make 14 keys... it's a lot." I laughed and looked down at the ground. I turned around lifted up one of the many flower pots and found a key under it. I stood up and turned back around.

"Here," I said nonchalantly as I held the key out for Christina to grab. Her mouth was hanging open and she looked completely shocked. "What?" I asked her confused as to why she was looking at me like that.

"How did you know that was there?" She asked still looking at me like I was crazy as she slowly took the key from my hand.

"What do you mean? Doesn't everyone do that?"

"I mean I guess so... but how did you know it was that one? There are six flower pots right here but you picked that one first, why?"

"I don't know." I said confused as well. Why did I pick that one?

"Are your memories starting to come back?" She smiled at me.

"I don't know." I said completely confused. Suddenly the front door opened and some tall guy with glasses was standing there.

"Why are you guys just standing here? It's kinda weird you could've just knocked." He said laughing.

"We did knock Alex, you just didn't hear us."

"Well, you could've used the key."

She raised her hand up to show this 'Alex' guy she had the key in her hand. "I didn't even know you guys had a key... Lauren found it."

"Lauren, did you get your memory back?" He asked me excitedly. I gave him a confused look and shook my head.

"Oh sorry Lauren, this is Alex, he's our brother." Christina said introducing him. He raised his hand up and waved at me awkwardly. We seem a lot alike. I chuckled at the thought and awkwardly waved back at him.

"Wait, how did you know the key was there if you didn't get your memory back yet?" He asked as he stepped to the side to let us walk in the house.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, Alex." Christina told him. I continued to look around and try to observe everything, though nothing seemed familiar yet.

"Oh hey. How are you feeling Lauren?" Some other guy said to me. He was a little shorter than the other guy but they looked kinda similar so I assumed he was also my brother. Before I could answer, the little kid that I yelled at from the hospital was there too. I smiled at him and he smiled back. It made me so happy to know he didn't hold a grudge or anything against me.

"Lauren, this is Christian and Joey, both are your younger brothers." I smiled and waved awkwardly like I did when I met Alex. "Christian, where are Mike and Nick? Also, where's mom and dad?"

"Oh they're outback cooking, I can get them if you want."

"No it's fine, we'll see them when they come in." She turned her attention back to me, "do you wanna go see your room, Lauren?" I nodded my head not knowing what else to do. Christina started to walk away, so I followed her, assuming that's what she wanted me to do.

We walked up the stairs and I haven't recognized anything yet. We reached the top and turned to go down a hallway. As we were walking, we passed a bunch of family photos and I stopped to look at every one of them until we reached the end of the hallway.

"Okay, this is your room." Christina said pointing to the one on the right side. "And the one directly across it is Dani's in case you want to go in there as well." I nodded my head and reached for the doorknob. I slowly turned it and stepped inside.

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