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Lisa's P.O.V

"Hey Chris, any changes?" I asked her on the phone. Dani and I had finished packing up all the stuff from our parents' house, and dropped it off at our house. Now, we were on our way to the hospital.

"Nope, she's still doesn't remember anything. So did you get everything from moms house?"

"Yeah we got two bags, one full of her clothes and one full of her personal stuff, and we set it up at home and everything."

"Okay, that's good. Mom and dad are taking the boys home so when you get here, it's just gonna be the three of us."

"Okay, we'll see you soon Chris, love you."

"Love you too bye." After that, I hung up the phone. Dani still wasn't talking to me after she kinda got angry at our parent's house. I understand she's upset and all but why is she taking it out on me?

We finally got to the hospital after a long and awkward car ride and went inside, knowing just where to go. Christina greeted us as we walked into the waiting room.

"Hey guys so good news, the doctor just told us that if Lauren is alright the rest of the day, we can take her home tomorrow morning," Christina said in a cheerful voice.

"That's awesome, so does she still not know anything about us? Like you guys still haven't told her anything right?" I asked making sure.

"No of course not. I think it's working rather well. The three of us were just in there talking to her a couple of minutes ago and Kath got on this rant of why people should try and see the good in everything others do and amnesia Lauren got into an argument about how awful the world is. I think she's starting to become cynical." We both laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Why are you calling her 'amnesia Lauren?' She's still the same person." Dani said annoyed as she went over and sat down on one of the chairs.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She got upset earlier. It's a long story I'll tell you later. Can I go see Lauren now?" I asked Chris making sure it was okay.

"Yeah, of course, Amy and Kath are in there right now just so you know."

"Alright, thanks," I said to her as I started walking down the hallway. Reaching Lauren's room I politely knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard someone say from inside the room, so I opened the door and walking inside.

"Hey, green hair!" Lauren said greeting me.

I smiled at her. "Hey, Lauren."

"Laur." She corrected me. I laughed.

"Sorry, Hey Laur." I looked over at Kath and Amy, "hey guys."

"Hey," they both said.

"Do you wanna talk to Lauren alone Lise?" Amy asked me.

I smiled at her. "Thanks that would be great." They smiled and got up to leave, most likely going to sit in the waiting room with everyone else.

"Hey come here green hair, sit down," Lauren said patting the edge of her bed.

"Why do you keep calling me that, Laur? I have a name you know." I said laughing again at the use of her nickname.

"Yeah I know but green hair is a really creative name." She said in a cocky manner. "You'll never find anyone with the same one."

"I thought you liked my name. You said it was pretty."

"It is a pretty name, and it suits you cause you're such a pretty girl." She smiled at me making me blush. "Jeez Lisa, this is like the twentieth time you've blushed just by me talking to you, I really have an effect on you, don't I?"

"I guess you do," I said flirting back with Lauren. She smiled at me.

"So... Lisa. Tell me more about yourself. I wanna get to know you."

"Uh okay. What do you wanna know?" This was really weird considering she's my sister and she already knows everything about me. She just can't remember.

"Like where are you from? How old are you? Do you have any siblings?" I laughed at her last question. "What? Is something funny?" She asked confused as to why I was laughing.

"No, no nothing's funny sorry." I apologized, trying to not give myself away.

"So, are you gonna answer?"

"Uh yeah I will, so I'm 25, from California and I have a few siblings." I smiled.

"A few? Meaning? Like three?"

"Um... no, I have... four," I said lying to her. If I said I had ten siblings, she'd probably think I'm weird or something.

"Oh okay cool." She said nonchalantly. "So how do we know each other?"

"Uh... we're best friends. We've known each other for almost our whole lives." I said only slightly bending the truth. She is my best friend, she just happens to also be my sister but I'm obviously gonna leave that part out of it for the time being.

"Oh okay... so that must be why we're getting along so well. We're best friends."

"Yeah, it must be."

"So who is everyone else that keeps coming in to talk to me? Are they my friends as well? Or are they my family members?"

"Well most of us are just your friends, but your parents are here." I simply said, not wanting to go into detail about it considering what Christina had said about altering someone's memory or whatever.

"Huh that's interesting... so I'm an only child?" I laughed at her question. "Why do you keep laughing?" She looked up at me and smiled.

"I don't know... you've never really talked about your family." I honestly had no clue how to answer any of her questions. Christina's reasoning really doesn't make sense. I have to watch everything I say to her and everything I can say is a huge dilemma. You can impair people's memories with new ones so the best thing to do is let them discover their memories on your own. How does that make sense? It's almost like I can't tell her anything without 'impairing her old memories,' but I have to tell her something because she's curious and keeps asking me questions. So what can I say?

"That's so weird... so I've never said anything about my family? Like are my grandparents still alive? How many cousins do I have? What are their names? I have a lot to learn Lisa and I'd appreciate a little help."

"Uh... Lauren, it's getting kinda late." I told her standing up from her bed and making my way towards the room door. I was honestly just trying to get out before I said something I'd regret later on. "I should probably get going... we'll be back tomorrow though... to get you." I smiled at her as I opened the door and started to walk out. "Uh... have a good night."

I quickly walked out of the room and made my way towards the waiting room. I don't know if it was because she was putting me in a hard place with all the questions, or the fact that I was literally in love with her that was making me so awkward. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, regretting how I acted. That was SO awkward.

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