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Christina's P.O.V

I was in the kitchen along with Kath and Amy waiting for Lisa and Dani to come in and talk to us. I told them I would give them two minutes to talk and it's been like four. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go and get them. They've had more than enough time." I stood up and started walking towards the living room where I left them. I walked inside and saw they weren't there. That's odd, where did they go?

"Lisa! Dani!" I called out, hoping they would respond so I didn't have to go and search for them. When they didn't respond, I decided to check other rooms downstairs looking for them. "They know we have to talk about something important so why would they wander off?" I asked myself out loud as I walked into the downstairs bathroom.

I was getting increasingly annoyed by the second because they were literally nowhere to be found. "Where did you guys even go? I checked everywhere downstairs." I said to myself as I continued to just walk around aimlessly, not knowing where else to look. "Did you guys go upstairs or something?" I asked myself as I started to walk up the stairs. Just as I was walking past the front door, I heard Dani's voice faintly coming from outside.

"-wrong decision and now you have to deal with it."

I looked around the room confused. "What are they talking about?" I said as I walked closer to the front door and opened it. Once they saw me, they immediately stopped talking and looked at me in what looked to be fear. Why are they scared? I'm not scary. I decided to just give them a blank stare. "Come inside now. It's been much longer than two minutes and we need to talk."

I saw Lisa give me an annoyed look while Dani just walked inside, politely doing what I told her to do. I addressed my attention towards Lisa. "Is there a problem?"

"No of course not." She replied sarcastically as she gave me an obnoxious smile. I gave her the same obnoxious smile right back as I opened the door a little bit more, signifying I wanted her to enter. She rolled her eyes and came through the door. I actually smiled this time as I shut the door behind her.

"Go to the kitchen." I ordered her, "everyone's in there waiting for you so we could have this discussion." She stayed quiet and didn't look at me as she walked towards the kitchen, and took a seat next to Dani. I followed her in, and took a seat in my rightful spot, at the head of the table, and decided to start this meeting off.

"Okay, so, everyone understands what's happening with Lauren's condition, right?" I asked everyone making sure we were all on the same page. Everyone except Lisa nodded their heads. I decided to just ignore Lisa for the time being because she was acting like a child all of a sudden, and I didn't want to get in the middle of it. "Good. So... the reason why I wanted to talk to all of you, is so we can be a true democracy, and decided what to do. Personally, I think we should tell Lauren everything. There's honestly no reason not to, at least I don't see a reason. So if anyone has a counter-argument, I'd like to hear it."

I looked around at everyone and no one spoke up. Not even Lisa. That's good, she's finally coming to terms with the reality of the situation. "Great. So I guess we're telling Lauren everything. I'll just run upstairs and grab her." I said as I turned around to leave.

"Woah, woah hey wait," Lisa said as she stood up, making me stop walking and turn around.

"Is something wrong?" I asked slowly walking back towards the table.

She looked around nervously. "Uh no. Not really."

"Then why did you say to wait?" I asked growing very impatient with Lisa.

"I just... didn't know you wanted to tell her now... we don't even have a plan yet. Like what are we gonna say? How are we gonna tell her? Are we gonna sit her down and explain everything? Or are we gonna write her a letter? I'm just a little confused on the details."

"Lisa... why would we write her a letter?" Dani spoke up, most likely questioning Lisa's intelligence as was I.

"I don't know... it's really not a bad idea if you think about it... it allows us to tell her everything very easily."

"Of course it's a bad idea, Lisa," Dani said strengthening my hypothesis that she was questioning Lisa's intelligence. "You can just as easily tell her everything in person as you can in a letter.

"That's debatable... I just think we should explore all of our options."

"Lisa, we're not writing Lauren a letter," I told her in a blank tone.

"But if we are gonna write a letter, I call writing it," Kath said raising her hand, and overlapping what I had just said. I looked over at her completely confused as to why she thought we were seriously going to write a letter.

"Guys can you please just take something serious for once in your life!" Amy said rather loudly out of nowhere catching all of us off guard. "This is not some stupid game, and it's not some work issue that we can debate about for hours... We're talking about Lauren. So can we all just stop with the jokes and start coming up with an actual plan?"

We all stopped arguing and realized Amy was right. This is Lauren we're talking about and we need to do what's best for her. "You're right Amy," Kath said breaking the silence after the motivational speech that was just given. "We have to do what's best for her and I think we should just sit her down, and tell her everything."

"I agree," Dani said.

"So do I," Amy said.

"Me too," I said. When Lisa said nothing, we all turned to look at her. "Lisa?" I questioned.

"What?" She replied harshly.

"Your opinion is wanted," I told her sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes. "You guys know my opinion already."

"Yeah we do... and it's too bad that majority rules," I said and smiled at her. "So... when should we tell her?"

I saw Lisa lean back against her chair and cross her arms. She suddenly presented very annoyed body language, but I didn't really care. If she wants to be in a bad mood because she didn't get her way, then that's her choice.

"I mean it doesn't really matter," Amy started, "we can just tell her when she comes down. There's no need to rush." We all agreed this was the right move because we didn't want to make Lauren feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed with all of this new information. We also didn't want to keep all of this stuff from her because she has a right to know.

Lisa suddenly got up from her chair catching all of us off guard. "Lisa, where are you going?" I asked her. She stopped walking away and turned to face me.

"I'm going to talk Lauren." She replied, turning back around to continue walking.

"You're not gonna tell her anything, right? I think we all should be there."

She stopped again, "of course I'm not gonna tell her anything, Christina. I haven't seen her in a while because you guys dragged me down here. I wanna make sure she's okay." And with that, she turned around and continued walking away.

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