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Lauren's P.O.V

"So... what do you think is gonna happen? You know with this whole situation." Christina asked me, breaking the silence of our ride back home.

"You mean with Lisa?" I asked as she nodded her head. "Um... to be completely honest, I don't know. I mean, I don't know what to do."

"Well since you're not gay, you don't like her back, right?"

"No... I don't." I lied, trying to keep Christina on my good side. I liked Lisa when I thought she was my best friend, and it's not like my feelings for her disappeared as soon as I found out we're sisters, but now that I know she is, it doesn't feel right. Not to mention the fact that I'm probably never going to trust her again after everything she's lied about.

"Hey, guys." Lisa said awkwardly as she stood up from the kitchen table. "Did everything go okay with Adam?"

"Lauren you can sleep in the downstairs room if you're more comfortable, which I'm assuming you will be." Christina told me, ignoring Lisa's question.

"Yeah thanks, if you don't mind, I'm just gonna grab my stuff from upstairs." I said as I turned around to go up to Lisa's room.

"Lauren, I can grab it if you want."

"I've got it." Walking upstairs, I quickly made my way into Lisa's room and began to pack all of my things into the duffel bags.

"Lauren?" I heard Lisa's voice from behind me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Listen, I know you're pissed and everything, but I want you to know how sorry I am for everything I did." I paid no attention to Lisa as I stood up and made my way to her bathroom to grab the last of my things. "I know what I did was absolutely wrong and this was never the way I wanted you to find out... about everything. So, I'm sorry." I quickly packed everything from the bathroom, picked up my bags, and started making my way towards the door which happened to be where Lisa was standing. "Lauren." She said as she reached her arm out in front of me, prohibiting me from leaving the room. "I get that you hate me or whatever, but can you please at least acknowledge the fact that I'm speaking to you."

I sighed and look into her eyes. "I have nothing to say to you Lisa, now move out of my way." Reluctantly, Lisa moved her arm back down to her side, and I brushed past her. I felt bad, I really did. Treating Lisa this way felt so wrong even though she deserved it. I want to hate her... but I can't...

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now