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Lisa's P.O.V

"Alright," the doctor said coming back out to talk to us after a few minutes. "Lauren's been through a lot and I know you all want to see her but maybe just do two people at a time. She's experiencing some mild amnesia so just give her some time to remember. Don't crowd her and don't go asking her a million questions alright? Give her some time. So two of you can come with me and I'll show you to Lauren's room." Immediately our parents got up and started following the doctor.

"Well he sure is an asshole," Dani said sitting down next to me.


"What? It's true. He's giving us rules to follow like he knows her... he doesn't know her and I just wanna see her."

I sighed. "It's okay Dan, the rules are just there to help Lauren. And besides, you'll be able to see her in a couple of minutes." I said pulling Dani into a side hug as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Hey guys," Christina said coming towards us. Kath and Amy following close behind. "We need to talk about what we're gonna say to Laur."

"What do you mean 'what we're gonna say to her'? Oh, so you're gonna start giving me rules to follow now too?" Dani asked Christina sarcastically making me laugh.

"I'm serious guys. I don't think we should bombard her and tell her every detail of her life."

"We weren't gonna do that anyway Chris," I said matter of factly. "The doctor said not to."

"Yeah, the doctor also said she's experiencing mild temporary amnesia. So she'll remember everything in like a few days or something."

"What's your point, Chris?" Dani asked getting bored with the conversation.

"My point, Danielle, is that we shouldn't tell her anything. Not about us being sisters not about the rest of our family or our band. We should just let her memory come back to her on her own."

"Why would we do that?" I questioned Chris, confused as to why we wouldn't just tell her everything.

"Because I read somewhere that you can impair people's memories with new ones when they have amnesia and the best thing to do is to let them discover their prior memories on their own."

I laughed. "That sounds like complete bullshit," I said bluntly. "What do you guys think about her idea?" I asked referring to Kath and Amy who were still standing next to Christina.

"First of all Lisa, stop cursing." I rolled my eyes. "And I don't see why we wouldn't do that. I mean it's not like it's gonna hurt her." Amy said, voicing her opinion on the topic.

"Yeah I agree too," Kath said joining the conversation. "We can just tell her our names and that's it. That's all she really has to know right now."

I still don't really understand why they want to do this but I guess I'm in.

"Okay, I'll do it, Dan? You in?"

"Yeah, whatever," Dani replied indifferently.

"Okay so you guys can go see her next if you want, and then we'll go, okay?" Chris asked us. We nodded our heads signifying we understood. As if they were on cue, the doctor and my parents came walking back into the room.

"Alright, who's next?" He asked. Dani and I stood up following him down a hallway till we reached the last room on the left, room 343.

"Okay, you guys can go in. And remember, she doesn't know who you guys are, so don't get upset if she doesn't respond the way you want her to. It's all just temporary. I'll be out here if you guys need anything." We nodded our heads and I started to slowly enter the room. Dani grabbed my hand almost as if she was scared of what was coming.

I looked back at her. "Dan it's alright, it's just Lauren." She nodded but still didn't let go of my hand, so I led her into the room. There on the bed, we saw Lauren. Her left arm was in a sling and her other arm and whole face was stitched up and bruised. Her face was more pale than usual and she looked so confused.

"Oh look at that, more people. Am I supposed to know you guys too?" She asked in an annoyed tone. Dani turned away and started crying. I wanted to go and comfort her but I also wanted to talk to Lauren. So I let go of Dani's hand after giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze and walked over to the side of Lauren's bed. She still looked gorgeous despite all of the cuts and bruises but I probably shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

"Hey," I said simply, not wanting her to get annoyed by my actions.

"Hi." She replied. She seemed very angry. Or maybe just frustrated? I couldn't really tell. "Why is your friend crying?"

"Oh, she's fine. She just a little sad at the moment."

"What's there to be sad about? Life's fucking great!" She said. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. She was really hard to read.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Yeah, of course, I know where I am. I'm not a complete idiot despite what they think."

"What? Who thinks that?"

"Those people that came in here before you. They were talking to me like I'm two years old."

"Well, how old are you?" She gave me an annoyed look.

"Oh don't you start this shit too... Twenty fucking questions."

"Oh I'm sorry, I won't ask you anymore." I glanced over at Dani who was leaning her back against the wall. Her hand was covering her mouth and it looked like she was still crying. I looked back at Lauren and saw she was already staring at me. And she wouldn't look away which made me blush slightly.

"What?" I asked her confused as to why she was looking at me like that.

"I like your hair. It's so bright and colorful." She chuckled. "It looks like it suits you." She smiled at me which made me blush again.

"Thank you." I smiled and looked over at Dani. "Do you wanna come over and talk to her, Dan?"

"Dan? What kinda name is that?" Lauren questioned. Dani turned and faced the wall again and I heard her start crying.

"Uh Lauren, it's short for Dani which is short for Danielle," I said moving closer to Dani to go and talk to her.

"Ohhh okay. I'm sorry Dan, I didn't mean to make you cry." She said sorrowfully. "So what's your name green hair?" She asked me. I chuckled at her extremely creative nickname.

"It's Lisa."

"Mhmm Lisa." She said. "That's a pretty name." I laughed as I went to go talk to Dani.

"Dan you alright? Do you wanna talk to her?"

"I can't right now Lise, it's just too hard. She doesn't remember anything." She spoke in a heartbreaking voice. I sighed pulling her into a hug.

"I know Dani, she will soon though, don't worry.

"So does she go by Dan or Dani? Cause I don't wanna make her cry again." Lauren asked cautiously.

"Either one Laur," I said to her.

"Laur? Oh, so we're giving each other nicknames now? Okay." I looked over at her and saw her smirking. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"We should probably get going so everyone else could have a chance, okay?" I told Dani who nodded her head. "We'll be back soon though Lauren."

"Woah wait." She said stopping us. "Why do you guys have to leave? I much prefer spending time with you guys rather than those assholes who treat me like shit."

"No Lauren, there are other people here who want to see you," I told her.

"Aww, why'd you stop calling me Laur? I liked it." She smirked again.

I rolled my eyes. "We'll come back in soon Laur." I smiled and led Dani out of the room.

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