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Dani's P.O.V.

"Lisa wait! Where are you going? We have to fix this!" I called out to Lisa who was already almost at the top of the stairs by the time I got to the commotion.

"You guys can deal with it!"

"Can someone just tell me what the hell is going on? What happened between me and Lisa?"

"Come with me." Christina said leading Lauren to sit down on the couch in the living room. "I'm sure Lisa left out all the important stuff about what happened after your accident, so I'm going to inform you." Christina said omnisciently making me roll my eyes. "So after the accident, we decided we weren't going to tell you that we were sisters."

"Why? That makes no sense." Lauren said making me laugh.

"We figured it would just be easier if you just remember everything. There would be so much to explain and we read somewhere it could alter your memories or something."

"You." Amy said out of nowhere.

"Excuse me?" Christina said, questioning the sudden interruption.

"You thought that. No one else did. It was your idea."

"Oh, so I'm the one to blame."

"Yes actually." I said. The house was so divided, and I felt like I had to choose a side. And of course, I was going to choose Lisa's.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" She questioned, shocked that I would even attempt to stand up to her.

"It doesn't matter just get back to the story Christina." Kath said being the mediator.

"So." She started out again, annoyed. "When you were allowed to come home, we invited you and Dani to spend the night at our house because it was easier for everyone. We fixed up the room we were just in for you to stay in, but Lisa invited you to sleep in her room, in her bed, with her. She thought it was 'better for you' but in the end, it wasn't the case."

I rolled my eyes again. "You're literally leaving so much of the story out, Christina."

"Hey! I'm not done yet." She said defensively. "Anyway, one day Lisa kissed you KNOWING that you two are sisters which is absolutely not right of her to do!"

"No Lauren that's not what happened." I said trying to set the record straight. "Christina just spun the story to make Lisa look bad." I told her as I saw Christina giving me a death stare out the corner of my eye. "When you woke up and didn't know we were sisters, you were constantly flirting with Lisa. Like constantly. Then one night, you kissed Lisa, and she tried to pull away knowing it wasn't morally right to kiss you when you didn't really know who she was."

"It wouldn't be morally right if she kissed you now either." Christina muttered under her breath.

"Her feelings just got the better of her Lauren. She's had a thing for you for a while and it was an in the moment thing." Everyone stopped talking and looked at Lauren who looked absolutely lost. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and immediately stood up.

"Um it's kind of late, and I wanna sleep on this and see how I feel tomorrow."

"Okay, take your time Laur. Goodnight." We all said goodnight as we all went our own separate ways.

"Hey Dani, can I talk to you really quick? In private."

"Yeah, sure." I said as I followed Lauren to her little room. "What's up?"

"So I'm kind of more inclined to believe what you said, but you have to promise me everything you said about what happened between me and Lisa is true, okay?"

"Yes. I promise."

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now