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Dani's P.O.V

It was currently around 6:30 am. We've been here for almost three hours and we still haven't heard anything about Lauren's condition. It feels like we've been here for three fucking years. I'm so worried about Lauren and it's taking so long to get some feedback. I looked around the room and saw that everyone was kind of doing their own thing. My brothers we all sitting together, my parents were sitting together, Amy was laying down across two seats and Lisa and Christina were sitting together on the other side of the room. I didn't see Kath anywhere but I figured she went to the bathroom or something so I got up to stretch my legs, assuming the doctors wouldn't be here anytime soon. I walked out to the front of the hospital and the cold air immediately hit me. It really didn't feel good though because it made me feel alive which made me remember that all of this was actually happening and it wasn't just a dream. I sighed and walked around the front of the hospital where I soon found a small metal bench. On it, I saw a familiar face, Katherine. She didn't notice me at first, so I continued to walk over to her. When I sat down next to her, is when she actually noticed I was there.

"Oh, hey Dani. Are you alright?"

"Isn't the answer obvious?" She sighed and she nodded her head. "What are you doing out here?" I asked her changing the subject because I wanted to try and escape from reality and I wanted to stop being reminded of what was currently happening.

"The same thing you're doing out here. I'm trying to distract myself... I also wanted to see the sunrise."

I laughed. "You really do love nature, don't you."

She nodded her head. "When I was younger, whenever something was wrong or I wanted to try and forget something, I would always go outside... it made me forget what was going on and made me focus on the beauty around me. So today, I came out here to look at the sunrise, and tried to focus on its beauty... and I thought. I tried to think about the good things in life and forget what's really happening, but I couldn't. Everything just came back to what was happening right now... I can't stop thinking about it... about Lauren." She sighed. Her voice was becoming shaky.

"I just really wanna know why this had to happen to Lauren," I said. I feel like I just had to get something off my chest. So I said exactly what was on my mind. "There are billions of people in the world, and Lauren, one of the people that I love most on this earth, is in the hospital right now and has a risk of dying. I just want to know, why her?" I started crying again. "I wish I could trade places with her," I confessed. "I don't wanna live in a world where Lauren isn't a part of it. And if she dies... I don't know if I will be able to live if I'm being honest with you Kath."

"Dani," Kath said as she pulled me into a hug. I let go of all my built up emotions and just cried. Finally letting it all out. After we stayed outside for a little while, we decided to go back in and check to see if there was any new information. There most likely wasn't going to be any, but we had to make sure. Walking back in, everyone was in the same position except Amy, who was now sitting upright in her seat.

"Hey guys," She said. "Where have you been?"

"We were just getting some fresh air," Kath said. "Any news?" Amy shook her head.

"God, when are they gonna tell us something? Literally anything! I just wanna know that my sister is still alive!" I said shouting a little louder than I should have been which made everyone in the room turn to look at me, confused.

"Hey Dani, you gotta stop yelling alright? We'll know something soon." Amy said putting her hand on my shoulder. With that, we all sat down again waiting to hear something.

Katherine's P.O.V

Dani has finally fallen asleep after 2 hours of just crying and thinking. She was resting her head on my shoulder. I'm really worried about her because she has been crying almost nonstop. I know how close she and Lauren are so this must be torture for her. And after what she said outside, I'm really worried about her. I'm praying Lauren's alright so I don't lose both of my sisters.

It was now almost 9 am and we were all waiting. Most of us were sleeping, but I was still awake along with a couple of my brothers. Just then, a doctor came around the corner.

"Can I please speak to the family of Lauren Cimorelli?"

"Yes right here," I said quickly jumping up from my seat making Dani quickly move her head off of my shoulder due to my sudden movements. "Guys get up! There's news on Lauren!" Everyone immediately crowded around the doctor and started asking him a million questions.

He looked very taken aback by our large family and didn't really know where to start. "Guys! Shut up and let him speak!" Christina said causing everyone to stop talking and listen.

"Okay... So Lauren's gonna be okay." He said boldly making all of us sigh in relief.

"When can we see her?" Lisa asked him.

"I'll answer all of your questions in a minute, just let me explain what happened alright?" He asked. Lisa nodded her head, understanding, as he continued. "So we don't know the details of the car crash or how it happened. But basically, Lauren suffered a broken shoulder that we had to do surgery on which is why it took us so long to get out here. We had to do it as soon as we could or else we could have risked not being able to repair it."

"What's the healing process for that?" My mom asked him.

"So it takes about eight weeks for it to heal completely and after that, she will probably have to do some physical therapy to regain full motion. So she'll be able to use it again just as she was able to do before the break. Not to scare you or anything but her shoulder was completely broken and we were lucky to be able to put it back together the way we did. So we're hoping that she'll be able to recover completely from it and have full mobility. Which will be done throughout a course of about a year of physical therapy."

"A year?! That's a long time. And after it will be back to normal?" My older brother Michael asked.

"Well it's not a given, but hopefully she will be. She also lost a lot of blood and she had to have a lot of stitches. The broken glass from the window cut her up pretty badly. She had some internal bleeding that we had to also do surgery on to correct. Also when you take her home, she will probably have some trouble walking and trouble with other motor skills. But it is rather common for that to happen after a car accident, so don't worry if she's having some trouble with stuff like that."

"So when can we take her home?" Christina asked.

"So she'll have to stay here for about three days. We want to keep a close eye on her."

"So when can we see her?" Lisa asked again.

"You can see her as soon as she's ready. I can go ask her really quick if she wants to see you guys."

"Yes please do," Lisa replied.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes." After the doctor walked away, we all started talking to each other.

"So that's not so bad, right? I mean it could've been a lot worse." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, it could've been a lot worse. But it also could've been a lot better." Amy said brazenly.

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