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Lisa's P.O.V

We stood embracing outside of her room for a few moments before Lauren pulled away and dragged me inside her room. Once inside, she turned around shutting the door and locking it and immediately got into the same position as she sobbed into my chest. I reached my hand up to gently stroke the back of her head in an attempt to comfort her. "Shhh, it's okay Laur."

"No, it's not Lisa." She said pulling away from me. "I feel so different. I know I don't remember everything that happened, but there's like this weird tension between you guys that I don't remember being there. Did something happen over the past couple of months?" She asked curiously. I swallowed hard knowing where the tension was coming from. "I don't know anymore. Maybe this car crash just made me insane and I'm seeing things that aren't there." She said as she moved to the bed to sit down. "Is it because of me? Oh, it's all because of me. This would've never happened. I just had to make a point to go and ask out a guy that I didn't even like."

"No Lauren don't say that." I said taking a seat directly next to her on the bed and putting an arm around her. "It's absolutely not your fault. You can't blame yourself for any of this."

"So then what is it? Why are you guys acting so weird around me?" She asked looking me directly in my eyes. Her eyes were still all glossy due to her crying and I hated seeing her like this. It must be so hard for her. On top of that, I have a huge moral dilemma. On one hand, I can tell her about the kiss, and things can potentially go back to how they were with her hating me. Where she wasn't even able to look into my eyes. Or I could not tell her and lie to her about why there's tension between me and the rest of the girls. "Lise?" She asked drawing me from my thoughts.

"All of us have just been really worried and stressed. Seeing you the way we did... it was so difficult to watch." I said slightly shaking my head as I remembered the feeling of my stomach dropping when I woke up and heard Dani tell me Lauren was in the hospital.

"What even happened? I literally don't remember anything and I want to know."

"Well I can only speak from my experience obviously, but it was definitely the scariest moment of my life." I glanced over at Lauren who watched me intently, making me blush slightly under her warm gaze. "The night it happened, I woke up at around three in the morning and saw so many missed calls and texts from Dani, which was the first sign something was wrong. I obviously called her back quickly and she told me to wake the rest of the girls up and go to the hospital because something was wrong with you."

"That's all she said?" Lauren asked shocked and I nodded my head in response. "That pretty vague."

"Yeah, it was. It made me worry even more. I remember yelling at Christina the whole ride to the hospital because she was driving so slow."

"Sounds like typical Chris." She laughed. "What happened when you got there?" She asked me, obviously drawn into the story.

"Well all of us sat in the waiting room for a few hours which felt like forever because the doctors didn't tell us anything about what was going on. All of us sat there trying our best to comfort each other until finally one of the doctors showed up to tell us what was wrong. He said they had to perform immediate surgery on your shoulder which is why it took so long, and then he informed us of your head injury. After all that we were finally allowed to see you."

"Was I anything like myself?"

"No, not really." I said recalling the first time I went into her hospital room with Dani. "You were... angry, which is understandable. As well as confused, very honest, and-" I stopped myself from saying another word that came to mind. Flirtatious. You were very flirtatious Lauren. With me... Why?

"And?" Lauren questioned the abrupt end of my sentence.

"And... just not really yourself." I said trying to smoothly cover up my mistake.

"How did I take it when I found out I had ten siblings?" I froze at her question being that it caught me off guard. Well for starters we didn't tell you. You found out through a photo and went ballistic when you realized you and I kissed. "I mean, I must've been shocked by that." She laughed.

"Yeah, you were." I said awkwardly, turning my attention to the other side of the room. All her questions seem like it's a test almost. Like a moral test I was being given to see if I would tell her the truth or not.

"Lise, what's wrong? You seem... weird all of a sudden."

"Huh? Yeah, I'm good."

"Are you sure? Caus-" Lauren was suddenly cut off but knocking at the door.

"Hey, Laur? You alright? Can I talk to you for a second?" Christina's voice rang through the room making my heart sink at the thought of her. Lauren got up from the bed and made her way over to the door opening it for Christina.

"Hey Chris, what's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay. It's a lot of information to handle." She said taking a step into the room as she made eye contact with me. "Oh, hey Lise. I'm kind of shocked Lauren allowed you to stay in here with her after everything that happened between you two." She said smirking deviously at me. I clenched my fists together as I felt my blood boil with anger inside me.

"Umm." Lauren said awkwardly with a small chuckle. "What are you talking about?"

"She hasn't told you yet?" Christina asked with a fake tone of surprise in her voice. "Why don't you tell her Lise, I wouldn't want to do it for you."

"Oh my God Christina! Why can't you mind your own fucking business for once!? This has nothing to do with you!"

"On the contrary, Lauren has a right to know what you did to her."

"I'm so done with this." I said brushing pass both of them, before turning around to face Christina. "I'm so done with you, Christina! You just always have to say something don't know?" With that, I went to turn away and go upstairs to my room to be alone.

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now