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Lisa's P.O.V

I was laying down on my bed waiting for Lauren to be done showering. She's been in there for about 10 minutes and hasn't asked for help yet, which is good I guess. I heard the water turn off and figured she was done. A ten-minute shower? Well, she used to take like an hour so I guess this is better. I smiled slightly at the thought. Just then, my bathroom door opened and Lauren poked her head out.

"Hey so, would you mind helping me with my clothes really quick?" She asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, of course, you can come out here if you want, it's just me in here and the door's locked." She stepped outside and I noticed she had a shirt on and she was carrying her pants in her hand.

"So I realized the shirt is pretty easy to get on by myself, but the pants keep giving me a hard time." She laughed.

"Yeah it's no problem, just come sit down," I said patting the edge of my bed for her to sit down on. She walked over and sat down as instructed, handing me her pants, as I knelt in front of her to put them on. "So how'd the shower go?" I asked her confused as to why it was so short. "It was pretty quick."

"Yeah." She laughed. "So, I realized I can't really wash my hair or anything so I couldn't really do much. It was nice though, to take a shower. It was really relaxing, thank you again for everything Lise."

She stood up so I could pull the pants around her waist and then we both sat down on the bed. "You don't have to keep thanking me for everything Lauren, it's the least I could do for you."

"What do you mean?" She asked me confused as she turned to look at me.

"I mean it's the least I could do for you." I turned to look at her and she still looked very confused. I sighed, "I mean, no matter the circumstances, I'll do anything for you. I'm just so happy that the car crash wasn't more detrimental. I mean it could've ended really bad and I'm just happy it didn't."

She looked completely shocked. "I was in a car crash?" She asked, more confused than before.

I suddenly remembered that we didn't tell her anything about what happened to her that night. "Oh shit Laur, I'm sorry. I completely forgot you didn't know what happened."

"What else happened?" She asked with a sense of urgency. She's probably been wondering that for a long time but just didn't know how to approach it. "I feel like I'm missing so much in my life. Like there's just one big piece that's just... missing, and I keep trying to think and remember what it is but I just can't. And I know I lost a lot of my memory and stuff but I just feel so empty. Can you please try and help me remember?"

"Well, what do you wanna know? Specifically."

"I really wanna know what happened the night of the car crash."

I sighed. "I mean I don't know that much about what actually happened cause I wasn't there, but I can tell you everything I know about it." She nodded her head. "Okay so, all of us were... here, at our house." I made sure not to tell her we were at the studio because she didn't know we did music. "You were going out somewhere, and the next thing I knew, I woke up at 3 am cause Dani was calling me, and she told me you were in a car accident."

"That's all you know?" I nodded my head. "Where was I going?"

I sighed, deciding to tell her the truth for basically the first time, figuring it wouldn't hurt her. "You were going to meet up with a guy named Adam, to tell him you wanted to go out with him." Lauren started laughing. "What's funny?" I asked confused, smiling at how cute she looked.

"I was going to ask a guy out?" She asked as if she was astonished by that statement. I nodded my head still confused at how she was acting. "That's so weird."

Now I started laughing. "What? Why is that weird?"

"Cause to be completely honest, ever since I woke up, I've been seeing all these attractive girls, so to think I would have asked a guy out is kinda weird. Shit, I thought I was gay." She said as she started laughing again.

"Really? You like girls?" I asked her. Even though I kinda knew that already, it was just nice to hear her confirm my theory.

"Yeah, I thought you knew." She laughed once again, "I thought you noticed that I was kinda flirting with you, but I guess not."

I felt my stomach drop, she really was flirting with me, does that mean she likes me? This feeling is so weird... it's bittersweet. Lauren was flirting with me... my younger sister, that I have a crush on, was flirting with me.... as much as I want Lauren to like me, I'm not sure how to feel about this. I smiled and blushed at her words and decided to just go along with her. "Oh no, I kinda did notice that," I laughed softly. "I didn't know why you were but I do now I guess."

"Yeah... I guess you do." I looked over at Lauren who was just staring at me. I was so nervous that I thought I might start blushing and give away the fact that I liked her as well, so I quickly turned my head to look away. "Wait are you not gay?" She asked me confused.

"Oh no, I am." I laughed as I once again decided to tell her the truth.

"Okay good." She smiled to herself and looked away.

"Wait why is that good?" I chuckled and turned to look at her. She turned to face me, leaning in. I knew what was about to happen and my heart started to race. My breath caught in my throat as Lauren brought her right hand up to the side of my face and slowly moved her thumb to rub against my cheek. She leaned in closer, stopping right before reaching my lips. She stopped for only a few seconds before leaning in and closing the gap, pressing her lips against mine. Her lips felt so soft against mine and they tasted so sweet. I have been wanting this to happen for years, and now that it finally happened, it was honestly the best thing I've ever experienced. It felt amazing like this was meant to happen but I knew that it wasn't completely real. Nevertheless, I was happy in the moment, not necessarily thinking about the repercussions that could arise later on. She brought her hand up to the side of my face as she gently caressed it in our slow, gentle kiss.

We slowly pulled away, not wanting to end our beautiful moment. My heart was racing faster than ever before and I could feel my cheeks start to heat up as soon as she once again made eye contact with me.

A small smile crept on her face as she stared directly into my eyes. "I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you in the hospital, Lise." I smiled at her words. "And who knows how long before that.

"Me too, Lauren." If you only knew.

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now