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Lisa's P.O.V

"So the last thing you remember is when we were in the studio? Recording our album?" Christina asked Lauren who looked very confused by this sudden 'interrogation'. Once I realized Lauren got her memories back, I quickly called my sisters to tell them to come back home from the store, so we could all talk to Lauren.

"Yes, Christina." She said in an annoyed tone. "Why do you guys keep asking me the same question over and over again?"

"So Lauren, what happened after the studio? Did you go home?"

"Yes of cou- actually, I don't remember." She said cutting herself off while she tried to recall what happened.

"Lauren, there's something we have to tell you." Kath said as she moved to sit beside Lauren on the couch. "It might be a little shocking, so just be prepared." Lauren shifted her position nervously as her calm expression quickly changed.

"Is it something really serious?" She asked nervously as she glanced around the room. "Why aren't you answering?"

"Lauren." Kath quickly interjected, not wanting Lauren to get more nervous. "About a month ago, you were in a car crash which caused you to suffer amnesia. Which is why you can't remember anything." She explained getting right to the point. Lauren looked taken aback for a few seconds, but soon started laughing obnoxiously.

"Oh, haha." She said sarcastically. "What a funny joke." She continued to laugh as she looked around at all of us. She soon noticed how we weren't laughing along with her. Her laugh slowed and her smiled slowly dropped down into a slight frown. "Oh... you're not joking, are you?"

"No, we're not Lauren." Christina told her.

"Um... okay." She said, taking a long pause. "Woah that's awkward." She let out a small, empty laugh before taking another pause. "It's um... it's just kinda hard to uh... wrap my head around."

"That's okay Lauren. Take as much time as you need." Dani told her, reaching over to place a comforting hand on her thigh.

"Yeah um if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna go and take some time to be alone." She said awkwardly as she stood up and walked to the room she's been staying in. Suddenly out of nowhere, Christina roughly grabbed my arm yanking me up from the couch, and dragging me into the kitchen.

"Ow Christina what the hell is your problem?!" I asked ripping my arm back and out of her grasp as I used my other hand to rub my now irritated skin. I turned to see the rest of my sisters running into the kitchen after us.

"What are we gonna do about this?" She said in her usual angry tone. "You really messed up Lisa. What do you think Lauren's gonna do when she finds out you kissed her? The relationship between the six of us will never be the same all because you're some selfish brat that couldn't control her self!"

"Christina you're literally not helping anything!" Dani yelled coming to my defense.

"What if we just don't tell her?" Amy said.

"No Lisa you're definitely telling her. She has a right to know." Kath said.

"Who's side are you on Kath?" Dani asked offended that Katherine was aiding with Christina.

Kath gave her a confused look as she retaliated. "There are no sides Dani. It's about what's right and wrong. And I think Lauren has a right to know what happened."

"Okay." I sighed. "I'll tell her later."

"No!" Christina yelled making me flinch. "Go tell her now."

I sighed as I walked away knowing there's no point in arguing with Christina. I walked over and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. She didn't answer so I tried opening the door, but it was locked. "Hey Laur? It's me. Are you alright?" I waited a few seconds, but when she didn't answer, I decided to just leave figuring she was asleep. But then the door swung open behind me and Lauren stood in the doorway, her eyes bloodshot and her face soaked by her tears. "Oh my God, Lauren." I said before I quickly turned around and wrapped her in a tight hug, figuring that's what she needed at the moment.

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now