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Lisa's P.O.V.

"Cause this can't be fixed." Was the last thing Lauren said as she looked me directly in the eyes before walking away. I heard her start to walk up the stairs and I felt myself become numb. I felt so many things at this moment that I couldn't let myself show because I was still surrounded by all of my sisters. I simply walked over into the kitchen and sat down at the table. All of my sisters followed me into the kitchen and just kind of stood there, waiting to see what I would do.

"So... what are we gonna do now?" Dani asked breaking the awkward silence that was starting to fill the room.

"How long have you liked Lauren?" Christina immediately said directing her question towards me.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at her, "why does it matter? It doesn't change anything."

"It matters because I want to know," Christina said trying to intimidate me. "You're going to tell me." She said after a few seconds of me not answering.

I sighed. "I don't know... a few years I guess." I figured there was no harm in telling her, she also probably wouldn't have let it go unless I told her so I decided to.

"A few years?! Are you fucking kidding me, Lisa?!" Christina said getting angry once again, yeah I probably shouldn't have told her.

"What's the problem, Christina?" I said irritated since I have been getting so annoyed with everyone yelling and getting angry.

"Do you not think there's a problem with you liking your sister?" She asked and looked at me. I didn't say anything nor did I shake my head. In the back of my mind, I obviously know incest isn't okay, but I can't change how I feel. I just wish she understood that. "Does that mean you're also g- gay?" She asked me almost stuttering the word gay like it was so taboo, she couldn't even bring herself to say it.

I scoffed. "Yeah... I thought it was pretty obvious." She sighed and looked down at the table, not making eye contact with me. "Oh, do you also have a problem with that Christina?" I asked in complete shock.

She took a deep breath and look at me again. "Yes, I do."

"You have got to be kidding me," I said brazenly.

"Christina you do know we don't live in the fucking 1950s when being gay wasn't accepted," Dani said coming to my defense. I smiled at her actions for a second before my expression quickly changed when I heard Christina start talking again.

"This has nothing to do with you Dani, so stay out of it."

"No! I'm not just gonna sit here while you berate my sister for being gay like you're somehow better than her cause you're straight! So just stop talking about it! She's not gonna change cause there's nothing wrong with her so you're just gonna have to deal with it."

The room fell into an awkward silence again until Katherine spoke up. "Yeah Christina, I'm the most religious person I know and... I don't have a problem with it... so why do you?"

Dani and I started laughing at Kath's statement due to the trueness of it, Christina turned to look at us and gave us stare that made us immediately stop laughing. She has an odd talent for being able to do that.

Just then, we heard Lauren enter the kitchen. "I wanna go talk to Adam... can one of you drive me?"

"How do you know about Adam?" Amy asked her.

"I looked through my phone and saw the text messages. I know he has a thing for me or whatever and I wanna go talk to him."

"I can drive you," Dani said quickly standing up.

"No... not you. I don't want you driving me anywhere." Normally Dani and Lauren would go everywhere together so it made sense that Dani offered to take her. Dani simply sat down at the table dejected.

"I'll take you, Laur," Christina said walking out of the kitchen. Lauren followed Christina and we soon heard them leave the house.

"Thank you, Kath, for being okay with this... if I'm being honest, I had this whole elaborate plan to come out to you guys and I was definitely the most nervous to tell you," I said truthfully. Because she's so religious, I thought her of all people would have an issue with it, so I'm happy she didn't.

"Of course Lisa, I love you too much to ever think anything differently of you cause of who you like." I smiled and stood up out of my seat and walked over to Kath. I gave her a big hug and it felt really nice to hug my older sister. We don't do that as much as we used to because we're older now... but it still feels as good as ever.

I looked over and saw Amy smile at us. "Of course I also have no issue with it Lise, but I am wondering, does that mean Lauren's gay also?" She asked innocently.

I laughed, "I mean probably." I replied, "but again I can't speak for her." With that, we all sat down at the table and tried to figure out what to do next.

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