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Lisa's P.O.V

"Home sweet home," Kath said as we entered our house. Lauren had a tight grip on my hand as I had my other arm around her waist because she was still getting used to walking after laying in bed for a few days straight. Lauren and I have been gotten pretty close over the past few days which is nice because it kinda feels like she's back, even though she's not... at least, not yet.

As we all walked into the house, I turned my head and noticed Lauren looking around completely lost. "Just do you know Laur," Christina started, "that, is gonna be your room for the time being." She pointed into the room directly at the bottom of the stairs. Usually, this room served as kind of an office space where we could practice music and work on songs but, we put a mattress inside and set up some of Lauren's things and now, it was her room.

"Can I go in really quick?" She asked Christina innocently.

"Yeah, of course, it's yours, do what you want with it." Lauren reached down and grabbed my hand again, pulling me into the room. She wasn't using it for support at the moment which was evident because she wasn't putting any weight on it. She was just holding it. That's kinda odd. Lauren walked into her room, pulling me in with her, and she went over and sat on the bed. She looked around taking in every detail.

"Hey Lauren, so I know you just got here and you're still settling in, but can I get you anything? Like are you hungry? Thirsty?" Kath asked Lauren, acting motherly as always.

Lauren smiled at Kath, "Thank you, but I'm fine. Is it okay if I take a shower though? I haven't in a few days and I feel so gross."

"Yeah go for it. This house is yours as much as it is ours. Make yourself at home." Kath said letting out a small laugh. "The rest of us will be right in the other room if you need anything.

"Okay, thanks," Lauren said as Kath turned to walk down the hallway. "So where can I shower?" Lauren asked looking at me.

"Um if you're able to, we can go upstairs and you can shower in my bathroom. Just in case like, you need anything it will be a little more private."

"Okay. You said you and Dan brought some of my stuff here, right? Where is it?"

"Oh, it's right over here," I said walking over to a table across the room. "There are clothes and stuff here and like shampoo and everything so if you just wanna pick out some clothes you like, then we could go upstairs."

Lauren walked over to me, to look through all the clothes on the table. She pulled out a casual outfit that was simply a pair of black leggings and a white t-shirt. "Is this a good choice?" She asked me holding the outfit out for me to see.

"Yeah, sure." I laughed

"Is it cute?" She asked, catching me off guard. "Or do you think it would be cute on me?"

"Yeah," I replied confidently, even though my heart rate noticeably quickened. "Of course it will Laur." She smiled at me holding my gaze longer than normal. She drew her bottom lip into her mouth as she suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Alright then, let's go upstairs. Lead the way." She told me. I chuckled walking out of the room trying to contemplate what just happened.

"Do you think you'll have a problem getting up the stairs?"

"Never know until you try." She replied, tightening her grip on my hand as she took one step up the stairs. I heard her groan.

"Laur, you alright?" I asked, immediately stopping her from continuing. "If you need to rest or you can't go up any further, please tell me. It's better than you falling down."

She nodded her head. "Yeah, of course, I'm fine, my legs are just really sore right now."

"Okay, do you wanna stop and go back down?"

"No come on we're almost to the top."

I turned to look at the stairs. "Lauren, you realize we've literally gone up two steps." She looked at me and laughed.

"I know. But I can make it the rest of the way just put your arm around me and make sure I don't fall." She pulling my left arm around her waist for support, as we continued up the stairs. When we eventually reached the top, Lauren said she needed to take a short break, so I led her down the hallway to my room.

"Yeah sorry about this, I know it's taking up your time and everything but I just need to rest my legs for a second. They literally feel like they're on fire."

"No Lauren, there's no need to apologize. It's what si- ... friends are for." Once again, I stopped myself from saying, sisters. I sat Lauren down on my bed. "Take all the time you need. Hell, you can lay down and take a nap if you want."

We both laughed, "I mean I'd love to, especially in your nice, cozy bed, but I really do need to take a shower."

"Okay, let me just put all your stuff in the bathroom and you'll be all set."

"Thank you, Lisa, honestly."

Conflicting Feelings (Laurisa)Where stories live. Discover now