5 | School Life

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Monday's are treacherous and Jeongin would sell any of his friends to get Mondays taken away.

It is the start to the long, worked filled week, which makes the boy want to chuck his alarm out the window so he'll never be prompted to leave his bed. Waking though, he sees that Seungmin is already awake and dressed in his school uniform. His other two roommates slowly rising from their own beds, both looking equally as dead and dreading the day ahead of them.

Junhoe practically rolls and falls off the bed, luckily able to catch himself and land on his feet. While Sanha rolls off the bottom-bunk and takes his blankets to the floor with him. This is most mornings in their dorm, Seungmin being the only one who rarely looks like a zombie when he wakes up. Jeongin wishes he could have the mental power of the second-year than maybe he wouldn't be petitioning to have Mondays destroyed.

Slowly, but surely everyone in their dorm gets ready for the day, all of them quietly walking down to the cafeteria so they can get their breakfast, and for some, much-needed coffee. Seungmin and Jeongin split off from the other two once they reach the cafeteria, heading to grab their own table, while the others sit with their own group of friends.

The two boys grab their breakfast and then take a seat at an empty table. Seungmin immediately pulls out a book and begins reading, while slowly munching on his food, Jeongin, however, begins devouring his as they both wait for their other friends to join them.

Jeongin spots Hyunjin in the distance in a matter of seconds and quickly stands in order to wave the older over to their table. The taller male approaches the table with his breakfast tray in his hands. Waving at Jeongin who is giving him a toothy smile.

"Seungmin tells me your roommates with the new kid," Jeongin states once Hyunjin sits down across from him and Seungmin, "first impressions?"

"Very quiet," Hyunjin states, a little thrown off by the sudden questioning, but he goes with it, "but cute."

"Oh boy," Jeongin chuckles, nudging Seungmin's arm, "looks like Hyunjin is in love again."

Hyunjin gives his friends a confused look, "what?"

Seungmin shakes his head, pinching a giggling Jeongin.

"It's nothing, just ignore him."

Hyunjin furrows his eyebrows at his friends, Seungmin trying to ignore his gaze by going back to his book. Jeongin, on the other hand, is doing a terrible job at covering his laughter. It isn't very funny, but Jeongin finds it amusing at how oblivious Hyunjin can be, so he can't help it.

"Tell me!" Hyunjin whines, causing Jeongin to laugh harder.

"I-I'm s-sorry," Jeongin laughs, trying to calm himself down in order to talk.

Jeongin takes a few breaths, pulling himself together before talking once again.

"It's just...you tend to fall for anyone you think is even mildly attractive."

Hyunjin's jaw drops, "I do not!"

He looks over to Seungmin, who has already looked up from his book to tune back into the conversation. Eyeing him as if to ask him to refute Jeongin's claims.

"You sort of do," Seungmin tells him.

Hyunjin's eyes only widen with his friends added input.

"Well...so what?" He exclaims, "It's not a bad thing to like people, at least I'm not as cold-hearted like you!"

There is a slight pause in the conversation, for everyone to fully process what the taller had just said. Seungmin didn't take offense to the words, because he knows Hyunjin only said them out of annoyance and not to try and actually hurt the younger. Hyunjin is lucky enough to know his friends that he can tell just by looking at them if they were hurt by anything he has said.

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