27| Saving What You Love

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The next morning Rey got ready for her mission. She wore a light gray outfit which was similar to the one she had worn on Jakku. She pulled her hair back in three buns. She didn't have to pack her bags, everything she needed was already in the Falcon.

Then she and Chewbacca said goodbye to their friends and prepared the Millennium Falcon for their journey.

Rey was loading supplies on to the Millennium Falcon, when Leia came over to her.

Rey finished loading the supplies, then she went over to the General.

"Rose was right," she said. "I hate Kylo Ren, but destroying him isn't the way to win. I need to save what I love."

"Ben?" Leia asked.

Rey nodded shyly. "This may sound strange, but I do love him."

"Rey, I'm his mother. I love him, I don't think it's strange that you have come to love him," Leia said. "It gives me hope that you have seen enough of Ben in Kylo Ren to fall in love with him."

Rey's cheeks reddened.

"And if you love I know you will do everything you can to bring him back, you won't give up on him. Just don't let your guard down and don't let him pull you to the dark side."

Rey nodded. "I won't," she promised. "I will do everything I can to bring him back to the light I promise."

"Thank you Rey," said Leia. "May the Force be with you." Then she turned to leave. But she stopped and turned back to Rey. "And Rey, if you can't bring Ben back, I'll understand if you have to kill him."

Rey looked down.

"In fact I expect you too. You're the only one who can. If you see that he can't be saved, you have to end him."

Rey nodded sadly. She realized that Leia was right, if Ben couldn't be saved, she was the only one who could stop him. But would she have the strength to do it, if she had to? Could she really kill the man she had come to love, the man who had always been there for her even when no one else had? If it came to a point where she knew there was no light left in him would she slay him or would she follow him into the dark? She realised that if there was no light in him at all then it would mean that Ben was gone, the one she loved wouldn't be there anymore. But deep down she didn't believe that it was possible for Ben to ever completely disappear.

"Thank you," said Leia. "I know it's not an easy thing to agree to. And I know that if it comes to that, it won't be easy on you. I hope it doesn't have come to that, but I know that it may. And I want you to know that you have my blessing no matter what happens."

Rey nodded and Leia walked away. Rey didn't want have to kill Kylo, she wasn't even sure she could make herself do it. But she realized that she needed to prepare herself for that outcome as well.

Rey didn't know it, but Poe was standing a few feet away. He had heard part of their conversation. He walked over to her. "If you do run into Kylo Ren, be careful," he warned.

"I will," she answered.

"Don't tell the General I said this," he whispered. "But I don't think he's the kind you save, I think he's the kind you stop."

Rey didn't know how to respond. She grateful that she didn't have to. Poe patted her on the back then walked away.
Is Poe right? She wondered silently. Is Kylo the type that can't be saved and just has to be stopped? Am I letting my feelings for him blind me?

Then she remembered what Rose had said: "we can't win by destroying what we hate, but by saving what we love."

She's right, Rey thought. I love Ben, and he's worth saving. At least, he is to me. No matter what everyone else says. I can't give up on him. I won't.

Then she climbed into the Millennium Falcon and joined Chewbacca in the cockpit.

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