Chapter Sixty Two

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*Ava’s POV*

Love is a naturally thing, we see and breathe it every day. Love is what makes the heart grow fonder, it finds a way to relight our lives and drive us to do the craziest things. Without love there wouldn’t be so much happiness. You can die from a broken heart, that proves how strong peoples love can be. When people say they love someone, you can tell if they’re lying. Watch their eyes, if they show passion they mean it.

   Well, love is insanity. The ancient Greeks knew that. It is the taking over of a rational and lucid mind by delusion and self-destruction. You lose yourself, you have no power over yourself, you can't even think straight. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, everyone at one point will love someone. They can’t control it, if their heart melts at the sound of their voice or it skips a beat when they brush passed each other then it’s true love, the old cliché butterflies in your stomach is actually real, it can fade or stay strong but deep down you know that if someone has such an effect on you then don’t stop until their yours.

 “Just two please” I asked the desk.

I was buying something special, being thirty now meant that I was a women, married or not, I was independent.

I handed the checkout lady my money and took my things, the drive back home was nerve-racking.

 The next years of my life would depend on what’s in these bags. They would know.

Alex and Connor were out, watching Alex at his first real tournament for basketball.

Since about two weeks ago I’ve had these deep pains, they last several minutes but get stronger and stronger as each day passes, I didn’t think much of it until I started being sick every morning. So here I am, peeing on a stick, waiting to know if I was in fact pregnant.

  Alex was an easy baby, obviously when he was five he was in his death bed, but he recovered, after a good two years he was finally himself. He still hates bikes and to be honest, so do I.

I waited a while before I got the guts to read the stick, I want a baby so bad.

The symbols on the stick were clear, I was pregnant.

This time, I knew it was connor’s.

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