I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany

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"You alright?" Charlotte asked softly as she sat next to the woman. Vanya gave a small nod as she stared at the floor. 

"This house just brings up- stuff." She said crossing her arms her eyes glancing over every detail in front of her. Charlotte nodded.

"Do you want to-" 

"No. I don't want to talk." Vanya replied quickly. Charlotte glanced around the room that seemed to be getting smaller with each passing second. 

"Hey, where's a bathroom?" She asked and Vanya pointed her down the hall. As Charlotte made her way down the hall she could hear music coming from somewhere in the house, a small smile grew on her face as she heard it and entered the bathroom. She locked the door leaning against it and taking a deep breath. The soft tune was barely audible through the thick wood door and could no longer serve to distract from the growing pressure in Charlotte's chest. 

A wave rushed over her as warmth filled her from head to toe. She felt her back shift down the door till she was only a few feet off the ground. A black cat now sat in the bathroom flicking its tail to the beat of the song. It's green eyes grew wide as it leaped onto the sink and peered into the mirror. 

'Not now.' The small voice the her head echoed as the cat frantically looked around the room. Her ears twichted as she could now hear every persons footsteps outside of the small bathroom. After a few moments the cat shock and a wave of warmth washed over it causing it to grow back into Charlotte. Falling onto the floor she stretched, cracking her back, before standing up and turning to the sink once again. Now seeing her human form a deep sigh of relief left her body as she turned the focet on. Splashing some water on her face and walking out of the bathroom. She knew in the hargreeves home all the siblings had incredible powers, Vanya's book and their small talks had revieled that much but how could she possibly explain herself to the group of strangers when she had never told anyone.

Glaring at herself in the mirror trying to come to terms with her own thoughts a loud crash of thunder shook the house, soon the music stopped and footsteps could be heard running towards the sound. Charlotte opened the door to the bathroom and caught sight of Vanya running into the next room. Having half a mind to not put herself into the middle of another family meeting she walked back towards the main foyer. Diego pushed past Charlotte causing her to stumble in the direction he was going, catching sight of the electric blue storm the was forming just outside the window. She ignored the voice in her head telling her that it was none of her business and followed Diego passed the kitchen and out the door.

'Curiosity killed the cat.' The voice taunted as Charlotte held up her hands to shield her eyes from the grewing wind and lightening. 

Soon the whole group was outside staring at a large ball of blue, veins reached out from it grabbing desperately at anything in reach. The surrounding air turning around the group as if the storm was trying to anchor itself. Charlotte couldn't hear the siblings conversation over the sound of the wind but soon Klaus was running outside with a fire extinguisher first trying to use it normally but giving up and just throwing the red canister into the blue.

"What is that gonna do?" Allison yelled over the wind.

"I don't know but do you have a better idea?" Klaus shouted back, the group was pushed behind Luther and Diego. "I vote for running," Klaus yelled but saw that no one was siding with him. "New girl? Come on surely you don't want to deal with the family bullshit." He asked taking Charlotte's hand. She glanced between the character of a man in front of her and back to Vanya. The two locked eyes and Charlotte knew that Vanya was not going to be leaving anytime soon.

"And miss all the fun?" She called back trying not to act scarred although the fear was evident in her voice, Klaus laughed, throwing both hands into the air in defeat. Charlotte and Vanya once again locked eyes. Charlotte nodded towards her new friend and looked back at the blue. Soon a figure fell from the blue and within seconds the wind died down and the blue mass was gone, the whole group took cautious steps towards the boy laying on the ground.

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