Thirteen - Big Star

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March 26, 2019

Klaus woke up reaching his arm to the left of his bed as he did every morning, and like every morning he found the empty cold space. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and reached over turning off his alarm, setting up and walking into his bathroom to get a shower before work.


Charlotte woke reaching her hands high above her head before rubbing the sleep from her eyes and combing her fingers through her hair. She then leaned over the large space on the right side of the bed to turn off her alarm before collapsing diagonally on the mattress feeling as though her body was too tired to get up. Knowing Ben would be coming over soon she used all of her will power to get up and take a shower.

Once she was clean and dressed for the day she went downstairs making herself a pot of coffee as she waited for her adopted brother to come knocking.


Klaus walked down to his kitchen with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. He put on a kettle of water to bowl for his morning tea before returning to his room to get dressed. Klaus still had ended up getting many tattoos, looking down at his hands which still had 'HELLO' and 'GOODBYE' written on them he chuckled to himself. He pulled out a pair of slacks and a button up shirt getting dressed before going back downstairs and taking his tea to go.

He had been in his office for about an hour when a knock came from his door. Diego stood on the opposite side of the fogged glass.

"Diego?" Klaus questioned with a growing smile. Diego smiled hugging his brother.

"You need to come with me." He said frankly skipping the small talk.

"Is everything alright?" Klaus asked his mind immediately going to Charlotte.

"Sort of, the team is getting back together again," Diego said before nodding down the hall. The two left Klaus' office and soon made their way to the street where they called a cab.


As Charlotte sipped his coffee a knock came from her door. She got up and opened the door.

"I really just need to give you a ke-" But she stopped short when she saw the person in front of her. "Luther?" She asked looking at her adopted brother. Ben was behind him holding a bag that no doubt held their breakfast.

"You need to come with us." His leading voice said. It was the first time she had heard his voice in years so rather than listen to what he had said she hugged him. A soft chuckle escaped his serious facade and he hugged her back.

"Where have you been?" She asked finally pulling away from the hug.

"I'll explain everything once we're all at the academy." He said giving her a small smile. Charlotte nodded, she turned to grab her purse and jacket before walking out into the hall locking her door. The three walked out to the street seeing the adoptive father's car. Luther sat in the driver's seat and Ben took the passenger seat while Charlotte sat in the back.

"This car smells like mothballs." She mumbled look around the dusty vehicle. Ben chuckled and Luther rolled his eyes as the three drove towards the academy.

January 8, 2002

Charlotte and Vanya ran through the house laughing as Ban and Klaus chased after them. What started as a game had turned into a game of tag which had then turned into the boys trying the catch the girls and tickle them till they begged for mercy. Charlotte and Vanya had rekindled their friendship in the few months that they had been back. Charlotte and Vanya would weave through the halls, both splitting off into different rooms and then joining again in the hall in hopes of confusing the boys but they had no such luck.

"That is quite enough." A voice called from the top of the main staircase causing the four teens to stop in their tracks. Sir Hargreeves peered down at all of the children. "Vanya it's time for your training." His voice called again and Vanya was quick to run up the stairs. Luther and Charlotte had been the main people to convince Sir Hargreeves that training Vanya would be better than keeping her powers hidden from her. She has almost blown up the house the first few training sessions but then Sir Hargreeves found that if she trained with another person it made her focus more. Vanya would cycle through the siblings training with each of them which bonded them all.

'Well, I'm gonna go to my room." Charlotte said walking past the two boys. Charlotte and Klaus agreed that while they were still young they wouldn't be involved. The idea of kissing at 13 made the two feel strange.

December 21, 2001

"Hey love look," Klaus said motioning over his head. He stood under the mistletoe with a proud smirk on his face. Charlotte rolled her eyes and stood on her toes kissing the boy. She stood back and furrowed her brows.

"Is that weird for you?" She asked hoping the feeling was mutual.

"What having the urges of a twenty-nine-year-old while being thirteen? Yeah sorta." He said joking at first and becoming very frank.

"Thank god it's not just me," Charlotte said putting a hand on her heart. "What if, I don't know," She said drifting off.

"Charlotte just say it." Klaus urged with a smile.

"Well, what if we waited to be romantic till we're a bit older, so it's not as weird?" Charlotte suggested as she spoke her shoulders raising higher. Klaus chuckled and put his hands on her shoulder pushing them down softly and then pulling her into a hug.

"Anything for you love." He mumbled to her kissing her temple.

January 8, 2002

As Charlotte walked passed Klaus' eye feel to her butt as she walked away, Ben noticing this slapped his brother's chest.

"Ow!" He yelled out. "What was that for?" He asked looking towards Ben who simply rolled his eyes.

March 26, 2019

As the three pulled up the house they parked and walked into the entryway seeing Diego and Klaus were already standing there waiting for them. A smile grew on Charlotte's faces and she engulfed Diego in a hug.

"Hey Charlie," Diego said softly and he squeezed her.

"Hey DeeDee," She responded calling him by his childhood nickname. He chuckled squeezing her tightly causing her to tap out on his back. "Asshole." She mumbled once out of his grip. She then turned and smiled at Klaus who was rubbing the back of his neck. Stepping towards him she wrapped her arms around him lightly, he did the same.

"Hello, Charlotte." He said softly before the girl pulled away.

"Hi, Klaus." She said before stepping back so that Luther and Ben could say their greetings. Charlotte walked into the living room and Klaus' eyes followed her longingly. Ben noticed this a slapped his chest.

"Ow!" He hissed at the man. "What's was that for?" He asked Ben who rolled his eyes.

"You know what. You have to remember that you not being around her keeps her safe." He said shortly before walking into the living room as well, soon the whole group was sitting around the living room. The whole situation felt very familiar.

"Where are Vanya and Allison?" Charlotte asked noticing the lack of females in the room.

"Vanya is wrapping up her tour early and will be here tomorrow," Diego explained.

"And Allison?" Charlotte asked again looking towards Luther.

"She's been kidnapped by Dr. Terminal." He said gravely looking at the shocked faces around him.

"Well, then what the hell are we doing waiting around here?" Diego said standing up ready to go after the man. Luther put up his arm stopping him.

"It's not that simple, we're gonna need a plan before we just run straight into this one." He said as Diego took a seat. The group looked towards him waiting on him to tell them the plan.

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