Zip A Dee Doo Dah - James Baskett

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As the group stood outside in the rain thoughts of what her life could've been flooded her imagination, living in this huge house with all of these people. But in the end, they were all so divided, perhaps it was for the best she grew up the way she did, not that she and her brother were any different. Maybe that was just a curse that came with the gift they all had.

Luther stood in front of the group hold the urn that held Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Gently he removed the lid and tipped the container it's content piling on the grass directly in front of the man.

"Would have been better with some wind." He commented placing the lid back on, the man the family all feared for so long now nothing more than a pile of ash. Charlotte looked out of the corners of her eyes observing the siblings, they all stood without a tear in sight but all for a different reason. Diego rolled his eye at the show being put on for a man he seemingly hated while Allison seemed more focused on the large man in front of her, their mother stood with a smile, a reaction to death wasn't in her programming. Vanya stood looking at the ash blankly, Charlotte deeply wanted to know what was going on in her head but her eyes then moved onto Klaus. He stood under a clear and pink umbrella, puffing away at the cancer-causing cigarette, he looked as though his mind wasn't truly even there which he probably wasn't.

"Would anyone like to say a few words?" Pogo asked from under his umbrella causing everyone's eyes to shift to him, the group stayed silent. "Very well." And he began to praise Sir Hargreeves for all that he had done for Pogo.

"He was a monster." Diego interrupted. "We can have a memorial but let's be honest about the type of man he was."

"Diego," Allison whispered warningly.

"He was a horrible man and an even worse father, he only ever cared about himself." As Diego let off steam Luther was visibly getting tense.

"Diego." His voice warned with a dangerous tone. "Stop."

"Out of everyone you should be on my side Number 1," Diego said mocking the title. "He never even gave us names, he didn't care enough. Instead, he had mom do it for him." Diego continued getting madder by the second and that's when thing got out of hand. Luther and Diego started swinging at one another sometimes landing punches.

"Fight. Fight. Fight." Klaus whispered as everyone else tried to calm the two down. Pogo was the first to turn and leave not wanting to see how things played out. Allison was next, then Vanya. As Charlotte turned to leave Luther threw a fatal punch hitting a statue that stood tall in the courtyard.

"There goes Ben's statue," Allison commented as she left. Charlotte and Vanya left together Five follow close behind.

"We don't have time for this." He mumbled.

Charlotte and Vanya walked to Vanya's old bedroom to get away from the yells of the two fighting.

"Sorry I dragged you into this," Vanya said with a soft chuckle.

"Hey it's okay, that's what I'm here for," Charlotte said giving a warm smile as guilt filled her system. She knew that she'd have to tell Vanya eventually the secret motivation she had for coming but right now after all of that definitely wasn't the best time.

"Let's go home," Vanya said sitting up from her bed, the two girls walked through the monster of a house and left. Getting a cab and going back to their apartment. The ride was silent as buildings flashed past the windows. 

Charlotte let a deep breath out that she didn't know she had been holding in once the door to her apartment was closed, she glanced around at her home and a smile grew on her face. This was her safe space and she felt at home here. Then she walked through her apartment and into her bathroom to get a shower and wash the mayhem of the day off. That night as Charlotte laid in bed she wondered if she'd ever see those siblings again or if they would just become strangers on the street.

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