2/14 - The Band Camino

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After a pleasant lunch, a BLT and fries, the two paid and left the small diner. The two had talked about an array of things but nothing incredibly serious. Charlotte had learned that Klaus liked the color orange, and that he loved pineapple on pizza, but that he didn't really like pizza anyway.

"Dairy and I really don't get along." He had joked.

He had made her laugh as he verbalized his train of thought, she was fascinated by the way that his mind twisted and turned but soon she started to wonder if that was him or the toxins he ingested.

"Well this has been lovely, but I've got to get back to work," Charlotte said as she pulled her coat closer to her body.

"Work?" He asked raising a brow, causing Charlotte to yet again giggle.

"Oh yes, I wouldn't suppose you know what work is like at all." She teased winking at him, he rolled his eyes in response.

"I, in fact, do know what work is." He defended himself. "I was asking what you do for work." He stated simply.

"Well, then you should've been more clear." She mocked his sing-song tone from earlier causing him to smile. "I own a veterinary and I'm the head doctor." She said as the pair walked down the street towards the office. Klaus nodded in understanding but didn't comment.

"Very nice." He said resuming his sing-song tone after a few minutes. He was starting to itch at his arm but what was even stranger were the glares he would throw over his shoulder every few minutes.

"Thanks," Charlotte said with a sort of questioning tone as she looked over at the emptiness next to Klaus. "Well, I'll see you later then." Giving him a bright smile and a small wave she crossed the street and continued her walk to the office, as she left him though she could have sworn she heard him mumbling under his breath.

The day continued and she was glad she returned when she did, a few minutes after her arrival and cat was brought in who was hit by a car. Luckily she and two nurses were able to stabilize the creature and the tabby would be fine in a few days. She stayed that day till it was time to lock up, helping some of her nurses clean and organize for the following day.


Charlotte's hand reached out from the layers of grey fabric hitting the off button on top of her alarm clock. Her hands then stretched well above her head as she shifted in the soft sheets, rubbing her eyes she sat up. Throwing off the covers and lifting herself to walk into the kitchen to put on a kettle before returning back to her room to get ready for the day. Her mornings were always the same, only small details would change, but for the majority, she stuck to a routine. It was Tuesday meaning that Charlotte would only be working for the first half of the day, leaving the rest of the day for whatever house chores or simply errands she needed to run. She dressed in her scrubs but packed a change of clothes to avoid an unnecessary trip home.

The first half of her day went by quickly, she checked on the cat from the previous afternoon finding that it was healing very nicely, the poor thing was a sweet old man. Charlotte changed into casual clothes in her back office around the midday point. She folded her scrubs and put them in her bag, leaving them in her office. Normally the lunch rush would be hitting but Charlotte decided to try her luck anyway knowing that Grace would find somewhere to squeeze her in. As she enters the diner and sat at the bar she waited for Grace to come over and start a banter with her again, but as the woman stood in front of her a voice caught Charlotte's attention.

"Thought I'd find you here." A cheery voice called from behind Charlotte. The young woman turned on the bar stool to find two familiar faces.

"Klaus, Luther, what's going on?" She asked taking note of the two men's appearances. Klaus had a small smirk playing at the ends of his lips and a devious sparkle in his eyes as he leaned against the frame of the door that separated the outside world from the warmth of the diner. Luther stood behind him rolling his eyes at his brother's comment, his large arms were crossed and he looked around the parking lot squinting.

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