Bury A Friend - Billie Eilish

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The group ran across the wooden porch into the cottage in the forest. Bursting through the door they took note of where they were. The cottage was warm and felt like home, there were pictures hung on the walls, couches facing one another rather than a TV and a large rug that anchored the couches to the floor. Laying on the carpet was Allison, a large gash across her throat was the source of a large pool of blood. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at the ceiling.

Luther ran to her, scooped the bleeding girl into his arms and cried, holding her tight. Klaus sat on the couch staring in shock at his adopted sister, his hand covering his mouth as he struggled to keep his head on. Diego looked away filling with rage as he held tears back from the sight of the girl he had grown up with who was now in so much pain. Charlotte watched them all, her hands covering her mouth as tears silently fell from her eyes.

"If we're going to save her we need to go now." She finally said catching their attention. "Diego you hold pressure to stop the bleeding but don't strangle her, Luther you support her head and body." She said holding the door open and ushering out the men.

"I'll drive." FIve said already knowing his role in all of this.

"I'll get back on my own so that it's not cramped, please keep everyone calm." She said as she and Klaus walked towards the car. He sat in the passenger seat looking in shock.

"How will you get back?" He asked as she closed his door. Allowing a wave of warmth to wash over her she shrunk becoming a crow.

She flew above the car as they rushed their way towards the Umbrella Academy. When they came to a quick stop Charlotte landed on the ground becoming herself. She rushed in behind Luther who held Allison bridal style. They all stood around as Grace worked on her adopted daughter's neck.

"We'll need to do a blood transfusion." Grace explained and everyone offered at once.

"I'm gonna do it," Luther said stepping up.

"I'm sorry Master Luther but your blood is more compatible with mine," Pogo explained deterring the man.

"I'll do it!" Klaus said next pushing past Luther.

"Master Klaus, your blood is how should I say this? Too polluted." Pogo said once again.

"I'll do it," Diego said bravely as he walked around the table next to Grace but when his eyes fell on the needle he fainted.

"Oh for goodness shakes!" Charlotte exclaimed rolling up her sleeve. Grace gently pushed the needle into her arm and started the transfusion. Charlotte sat in a nearby chair feeling weaker as the blood was pulled out of her. Klaus gave her a small smile before leaving the room. Diego had eventually woken up and he and Five left the room to surely talk about a game plan to stop the end of the world. When Grace finally had enough blood she took the needle out and gave Charlotte a cookie.

"She's our sister! That's a little heartless even for you." She heard Diego shout from the living room. Wandering in she sat in a chair eating her cookie.

"And if we don't figure out what's going on then she'll die with the other seven billion of us." Five said in a dangerous tone snapping back at his brother. Charlotte realized that they were talking about saving Vanya.

"I agree with Diego. We need to rescue Vanya, where ever she is this Harold Jenkins will be to. Two birds, one stone." Charlotte said holding up one hand and then another.

"Alright let's go." Five said giving in the two adults.

"Let's go, Klaus," Diego said as the three turned to see him still sitting on the couch.

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