Before We Begin

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Every chapter is titled after a song, the song either sets the mood for the upcoming chapter, is the song played in a scene that is in the chapter, or is there for comedic purposes. You in no way have to know or listen to the song to know what is happening in the chapter. I have attached a comment to this paragraph to a Spotify playlist which is the songs for every chapter in order! 

I have decided to split this book into Acts rather than parts. 

Act I - Is directly based off of Netflix's Umbrella Academy, the plot line, timeline, and conclusion are all the same. If you would prefer to read only act I it will be ending exactly when season 1 ended, at a cliffhanger, and will not be giving any spoilers. 

Act II - Will be a continuation into what I speculate for season 2 mainly based on the comics. That means pulling in storylines, villains, and all the wonderfulness that the comics are. 

Each act will have the same amount of chapters so if and when we come to the conclusion to Act II if you would like more then we can start Act III or once again you could stop there and wait for the next season of the show. 

Disclaimer! I have no clue of what will happen in season 2 but I do know that people are speculating that it won't be released until 2020, I will not be going back through and editing my Act II to fit with season 2. I know this annoys some people so I just wanted to be upfront about it.  

Update (August 14th, 2020): I have officially finished season 2. As previously stated I will not be editing my story to fit the plot line although it was fantastic and I was super excited to watch! I am going to go through and be editing this story. All chapters that start with a star (*) will have been edited. And although this story is marked as complete I am working on a part three.  

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