Burning - Maggie Rogers

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The world seemed to be traveling in slow motion as the events unfollowed for the Hargreeves family. Luther's feet hit the plush grass as his body traveled faster towards the Magician who had a sick smirk spread across his face and a malicious gleam in his eyes. Diego, Five, and Klaus weren't far behind them. All three of the brothers had different intentions for when they finally reached their brother but their feet cared them all the same. Vanya and Allison pulled at the thick ropes that were wrapped tightly around their two remain parental figures, their thin fingers working quickly at the knots that held the two captives. Ben laid on the ground, his body had stopped shaking and his tentacles laid out to the right of him limp. Charlotte sat to his left her hands shaking as she held onto his weakening body.

"Charlotte," Ben whispered out in a weak hush, he began to cough causing crimson red fluid to cover his lips.

"Ben it's alright we're going to get you home," Charlotte said shushing the boy. Her shaking hand moved to grab his hand squeezing it lightly.

"I love you," Ben said with a smile. His eyes slowly closed as his muscles all released, tears roll down from Charlotte's eyes as she watched Ben fall into a never-ending sleep.

Luther had reached the Murder Magician grabbing him by the neck and throwing his body to the ground. Five and Klaus grabbed at his shoulders and arms trying to pull him off of the criminal as Diego ran around to the murder's other side helping hold him down.

"Don't stoop to his level!" Five yelled but Luther's sense was consumed in rage as his grip tightens around the murder's neck.

Vanya and Allison had finally set free Grace and Pogo. Grace ran across the field dropping to Sir Hargreeves side looking over his body. Pogo ran over to the boys.

"Master Luther!" He yelled catching the man's attention and his grip tightened. The murder stood to face Pogo leaving the Magician lifeless on the ground. "Master Luther," Pogo said consoling the boy.

"I-I." He stammered looking down at his hand and the third body that laid in the grass.

"Pogo!" Charlotte's voice ran across the field silencing all the voices. Everyone's eyes turned to see the woman holding the man in her lap. The five men and the three women remaining ran towards the pair, Pogo and grace both dropped to their knees looking over the boy.

"Is he?" Klaus asked, his voice shaking as tears formed in his eyes.

"He's gone," Pogo said softly and slowly, now the world had come to a halt. All the adults felt a deep hole fill their hearts as they stared down at the lifeless man in front of them.

It was hours before anyone had the strength to pull themselves away. Grace and Pogo went first taking Sir Hargreeves body with them, followed by Vanya and Diego, then Five. Charlotte still sat on the ground combing through his hair similar to how she would as children. Vanya came around and pulled her up despite her protest the woman knew if she wasn't pulled away she'd never leave. Klaus and Luther were the last two left standing.

"We have to take him home," Klaus said softly.

"Klaus," Luther said in a warning tone, he knew that they needed to take care of the body but bringing him back would just hurt everyone.

"We have to take him home," Klaus said defiantly. He wrapped his arms around Ben's shoulders and started to pick him up. Luther picked up Ben's feet and tentacles helping his brother, knowing that there was no way he could stop Klaus.

As the pair arrived home they found that most of their siblings were already tucked away into their rooms, Pogo came and helped the men bring the boy to the basement where there was a small scale hospital and morgue. Grace was already down there waiting for them, Pogo told the boys to leave and clean up as he and Grace took care of Ben's body. On the table beside Ben laid Sir Hargreeves under a thin white blanket.

There was a still chill throughout the house that reflected how all the people within it were feeling. Vanya, Five, and Diego sat together in Diego's room streams of tears had rolled down their cheeks and their eyes were growing redder as the minutes passed by. Allison and Charlotte laid in Charlotte's bed as the two girls just hugged one another crying. Klaus walked to the bar in the living room pouring himself and Luther a glass of brown fluid.

As Klaus set the glass in front of his brother he sat back on the couch taking a large sip. Luther lifted up the glass taking a sip before throwing the glass against the wall causing the object to shatter.

"I killed a man today, I got both Ben and Dad killed," Luther mumbled.

"Don't do that, don't blame yourself for everything," Klaus said taking another sip.

"I'm Number One I should've protected them." He said venom dripping from his lips as he recalled the name.

"He was my brother!" Klaus yelled. "I should've protected him to. You just can't save everyone." He said calming down and taking another sip, finishing the glass. Luther didn't respond instead he sat on the couch looking up at the portrait of his father.

Author's note:

So I know that this chapter is shorter than any chapter I've ever published but this was just the best point to stop, also I feel that we all need to morn Ben for a moment. Sorry for your loss. 

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