I Started A Joke - ConfidentialMX, Becky Hudson

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"Now, You will tell us where she is or we'll kill you off, one by one. Starting with him." The Handler commanded nodding towards Five whose guard grew closer. "And no use trying to use your powers, every mans' suit has a different electromagnetic wave creating a dome layered around you making it impossible for you to disappear and reappear anywhere but in the circle." He said, feeling very triumphant. The flashes of blue light, red blood, and the falling of bodies behind him were clearly going unnoticed.

"Well," A cheeky and familiar voice called out. "Then it's a good thing we're out here." The crowd of guards that were once ten layers thick now had been cut down to two. Diego and Five stood with sly smiles, clenched fists, and fresh blood splatters painting their clothes.

"What the hell?" The Handler whispered turning back to the group watching the man who he thought was Five elegantly transform into his mirror image. His dark eyes staring back at him with mischief and his thin lips were in a tight smirk. 

"Surprise, ugly." The clone gleefully remarked as it ducked under the guard's gun slamming his elbow into his head and swiftly grabbed the gun from the man. Once again gracefully transforming back into herself Charlotte smiled. "Not what you were expecting?" She asked with a growing smile as she pointed the gun towards him. The Handler cockiness had left his body as he started down the barrel of the gun.

As soon as she had moved so had the group she was trapped with. Klaus practically slammed into the guard behind him and kicked the gun away. Luther had taken his and Allison's guards' heads and slammed them together and Vanya had kicked the man's leg out from under him causing his head to hit the ground knocking him out. 

The Handler's second-hand man had been calling to him during the fight asking for orders as the men dropped like flies but the Handler was too in shock to answer, as blood and fists flew through the air. The Handler just stared at the woman in front of him. The two of them never broke eye contact, as blood splatter onto the faces and men yelled out in pain, the two just glared at one another. The blonde man watched his men fall and looked back to the Handler before grabbing his case and disappearing. Five and Diego had cleared the final layer of guards and now the Handler stood alone and without a plan.

"This was never even an option." He whispered. His eyes darted to a dark form running towards him, the blonde hair seemingly glowing against the darkness that surrounded them. "But you've all forgotten something." He said as he pulled a gun from the back of his waistband. "Time is such a funny thing." And before the group had time to process his movements the Handler wrapped his arm around Vanya's throat pulling her into his chest as he raised up his gun firing the weapon. The bang of the gun echoing in their ears as the world slowed around them. The right hand man throwing a case threw the air towards the Handler. The three vanished as if they were never there to begin with.

"Vanya!" Allison cried out into the empty space the pair had stood before something caught her attention. Luther dove down catching his brother in his arms. He was shot in the abdomen and the blood was quickly leaving his body.

"Put pressure on it!" Five exclaimed to Allison as she dropped to her knees placing her hands firmly on his stomach.

"We have to get him back to Grace and Pogo." Charlotte said looking to Luther with tears in her eyes.

"You're gonna be okay," Klaus said, keeping Diego's focus. "We're gonna get you back home." He continued as Charlotte ran to hot wire a car from the team to get back.

"I-i-i-i-it barrel-l-ly even hurts-s." Diego forced out. He was trying to remain the tuff guy but his vision was starting to blur.

"Stay with me. Diego stay with me!" Klaus tapped out his cheek. Charlotte had hopped the curb and was now throwing open the car door. Luther gently lifted Diego trying to keep him as flat as possible, sliding him into the back seat of the car Allison sat on the floor to keep pressure.

"Go we'll meet you at home!" Luther said slamming the car door, and the three sped off towards the house.

"I'm going to get Vanya." Five said sharply, picking up different cases, searching for one that wasn't riddled with bullet holes.

"You are not going there alone." Luther protested, grabbing his brother's shoulder turning him to face them. Klaus and Luther both stared at Five, and he knew that the two idiots he called brothers weren't going to take no for an answer.

"Fine." He said with a sigh, "Just don't-" He started as he found an intact briefcase. " don't get hurt." He finished under his breath. The three brothers grabbed onto one another and were gone in a flash.


Charlotte pulled into the back alley with a screeching halt. Pogo and Grace came out of the back door with a puzzled look on their face but they soon understood the scene in front of them. Grace ran inside and grabbed the gurney as Pogo opened the back door of the strange car to look over the man. The four worked together to carefully pull Diego's body onto the gurney and as soon as he was safely on the table he was rushed inside. Grace was able to successfully get the bullet and sew up Diego, and while Diego would have to work to gain back his strength the bullet hadn't hurt anything vital.

"We have to help Vanya." Allison mumbled to herself as she paced in the kitchen.

"I know but how do we get to the commission? We'd need one of their freak suitcases or Five's powers." Charlotte replied from her seat at the table, she held her head in her hands and was staring at the wood table.

"That's it!" Allison exclaimed before running out of the room catching Charlotte's attention. She jumped up and chased after the tall woman.

"Allison, where are you going?" She yelled as the two ran through the house and into their father's office.

"We have a briefcase!" She said, pulling in out of the closet. "When Hazel and Agnes, who I guess weren't really them, came to the house. Five snuck one of these off them and I guess they never noticed." She explained as she looked at the lock. "I hope I remember how to do this." She whispered as she locked in the numbers and grabbed onto Charlotte.

"I'm sorry you hop-" The girls vanished from the room.


Diego woke up in his childhood bedroom, his stomach firmly wrapped but the wound under it still aching. He propped himself up on his elbow with a small wince as he glanced around the room. Next to him was a glass of water and two white pills. 


Take this when you wake. It will help with the pain.


Diego reached for the pills as the sharp sound of heels clicking came down the hall. Grace stood in the doorway with her normal soft smile. She held a tray, carrying breakfast for the man. 

"I thought you'd be waking up soon, how are you feeling?" She asked, coming to sit on the bed with her son. 

"I'm f-f-feeling," He coughed, clearing his throat. " okay." He finished as his brows furrowed together. Grace nodded and set up the tray over his lap before helping him sit up. 

"You're going to have to work a bit before you're good as new but it's nothing we can't handle." She said as she brushed back some of his hair. He had just now noticed that it had grown a decent amount since the fight. 

"M-mom, how long have I b-been out-t-t?" He asked as he ran his fingers through his hair, he felt like Klaus. 

"A month dear." She said softly. 

"A-a-a-a-a m-mont-t-t-th?!" He exclaimed, sitting up quickly causing pain to shoot through his stomach. Grace put out her gentle hands helping his softly sit back. 

"Diego you were shot, and the bullet just nearly missed a large group of your organs, if your sister had hit a bump or if you had twisted the wrong way you would be dead. Your body has been healing." She explained trying to help him understand. "But I'm glad you are awake now. Something has gone horribly wrong." She said standing up smoothing her skirt. 

"W-what's wr-r-rong?" He asked before throwing back the pills his mother set out. 

"You're siblings haven't returned," Pogo said entering the room. "They all chased after Vanya and none of them have come back." He explained further. 


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