Hazy Shade of Winter - Gerard Way

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The group arrived bursting through the side doors of the building and quickly ran up the stairs, they could hear the faint music as they ran through the building. As they got closer to the door Allison stepped in front of Luther showing him a note that Charlotte couldn't see.

"Allison I can't let you do that, she's beyond reasoning with." Luther said sternly.

"You hear the music? It's started." Diego called out to the group.

"Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?" Luther said getting annoyed with Allison. "After everything that's happened." But Allison just stared back at him with a firm glare.

"We don't have time for this." Klaus mumbled to Charlotte who nodded in agreement.

"Okay." Luther said and Allison walked in the doors by herself.

"Are you out of your mind?" Charlotte asked as she walked after Allison but Luther grabbed her by the arm.

"She's a distraction." He explained, Charlotte could see the worry in his eyes so she nodded pulling her arm back.

"Alright, then what's the plan?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Klaus you wait out front and stand guard." Luther said as Diego walked ahead.

"What?" Klaus asked annoyed. Charlotte turned grabbing both sides of his face.

"It's for your safety, I know it sucks but I'm not risking you getting hurt." She said kissing him before he could protest.

She pulled away and ran after Luther and Diego leaving Klaus to stand guard. Luther took the left wing and Diego took the right while Charlotte was to shift into something small and creep around the back. As they approached everyone was amazed by Vanya's ability to play, she was putting so much emotion into every note that it made the group almost forget why they were circling her. As Luther and Diego ran to grab her she stood up quickly waving her bow around, a white wave coming from it sent to two men flying into the crowd. The crowd erupted in screams as the audience jumped up from their seats to get away. Charlotte shifted back into herself and was walking through the orchestra when someone cried out her name.

"Charlotte?" The male voice yelled in shock, James stood as members of the audience pushed past him as his gaze stayed untorn form his twin but he was soon swept into the crowd and pushed outside.

Vanya glanced up noticing the girl now sending her flying back into the wall. As she sat up holding her head from the sharp impact she heard gunshots echo around the room, it danced with the violin still playing proudly. She shifted into a snake and slithered over to the group finding them behind seats. Shifting back into herself she shocked the men.

"What's the plan?" She asked them ignoring the blood dripping down her face.

"What's with all the lollygagging?" Five asked as he blinked into the theater.

"Five get down!" Luther yelled as the boy ducked to avoid being shot.

"Klaus was supposed to be our look out!" Diego yelled.

"Are you surprised?" Luther yelled.

"Guys its Cha-Cha, Cha-Cha-" Klaus said running into the room before taking cover from being shot at.

"That's it," Charlotte said as her eyes glowed red as she stood up pointing her hand at the gunmen that were shooting at her. 

Concentrating a burst of red erupted for her hand allowing her to move them to point towards their other gunmen shooting them down. Diego ran past her to attack Cha-Cha who now stood on stage, while from the corner of her eye she could see Klaus and in front of him the man she could only guess was Ben who lifted his shirt revealing massive tentacles that grabbed some of the gunmen throwing them around the room. After a few minutes of controlling the three men, she grew dizzy and lost her concentration, collapsing onto the ground the three men ran towards her but Ben was quick to grab them. Luther pulled Charlotte back into the rows of seats.

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