Raspberry Beret - Prince

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As Charlotte finished her makeup and looked herself over in the mirror she thought about what to say when the two eventually started to talk about family. It had always been an interesting topic for Charlotte, luckily for her, Vanya hadn't published a book in this timeline telling the world the true identities of the Umbrella Academy so Charlotte was able to be extremely vague about her adopted siblings. The world knew her as the Mimic, she quite enjoyed the code name but her days of being a superhero were long behind her. Now the most she shifted was play pranks on Ben or Vanya. A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts as she scanned her outfit one last time. She wore a pair of black ankle boots with a pair of straight leg jeans and a white t-shirt, grabbing a leather jacket and her bag she ran downstairs and to the door. Tucking her auburn locks behind her ears she opened the door with a smile. Her red painted lips showing off her white teeth.

"You look great." Jessie beamed from the hall.

"Come in." She said with a smile stepping day, opening the door wider for the gentleman. He wore dark wash jeans along with a buttoned-up flannel.

"Nice place." He said as his eyes scanned her two-level loft.

"Thanks!" She said sweetly. "So where were you thinking for dinner?" She asked as she slipped her jacket on.

"It's a surprise." He replies with a smile. Charlotte returned it a rolled her eyes.

"Well then lead the way." She said as she put her small purse strap on her shoulder, Jessie laughed and opened the door for her. She walked through and then turned to lock the door before the two walked down the hall and out onto the street.


Klaus packed up his office for the day. Grabbing his trench coat he shrugged it over his shoulders and then wrapped his scarf around his neck. He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked through his office, turning off the lights and then closing the door. He walked through the city passing by several homeless people along with the spirits that watched over them. Entering his apartment he flipped on the lights and dropped his bag, on the table where he dropped his keys were two pictures. One was of the Academy, all of them stood with smiles on their faces with Sir Hargreeves, Grace, and Pogo standing to the right side of the group. The other picture was of Charlotte, it was a picture Ben had taken of her as she got ready for the night the Academy was invited to the governor's ball, she stood at the mirror leaning over the counter as she put on her lipstick. The pictures had sat on that table for almost four years now and every day they made Klaus smile when he passed them. He walked into his kitchen heating up some leftovers before sitting in front of the TV, flipping through the channels.


"So, what's the most amazing place you've been?" Charlotte asked now that it was her turn to ask a question. The couple had eaten their dinner and now had been sitting at the table for an hour as they sipped glasses of wine.

"Oh gosh," Jessie said with a chuckle as his hand rubbed over his mouth. "I'd have to say the Bermuda Triangle." He said finally looking over to the girl across from him.

"You went to the Bermuda Triangle and survived," Charlotte said gasping playfully.

"Oh yes," He said faking a British accent. "It was a long voyage but someone had to do it." He said continuing the joke, Charlotte burst into a fit of laughter at the playful manner but something in her heart ached as she remembered another man who used to do something similar.

"What about you?" He asked turning the question on her. Charlotte thought for a moment, with the Umbrella Academy she had been all over the world and traveled through time. Something told her that saying traveling through time might be a bit much for a first date.

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