Physical - Dua Lipa

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The rain had pushed everyone inside leaving only the family of fighters to travel the once busy streets. The sky was dark and the clouds moved ahead of them at a pace rivaling a Mustang's speed. The team was all heading in the same direction, taking different paths with the hopes of catching the Handler's men off guard. Allison pressing the gas peddle further of the Jeep they had hot-wired, all the while Luther cramped himself in the back. Klaus and Five leaped from rooftop to rooftop. The pair not even noticing the distance between them and the ground as the crossed over the five-foot gaps between building. 

When Allison and Luther skidded to a stop they saw them, the Handler and his men. Hiding under the cover of the full trees growing through the park it was unclear how many men were lucking in the greenery. Allison looked back to Luther and nodded as she opened the door and climbed out of the vehicle. 

"Smart. Not putting up a fight." The Handler cooed to the woman. "We've always worked so well together." He added with a smirk. "Now, where is she?" He called out, his tone drenched in threats as some of his men grew closer to the car. 

"You can't do this," Allison called back. "We won't let you." She said with a growing smirk as the men grew closer. Open the car door Luther practically burst out of the thin metal cage, riping of the car door and launching it towards the approaching men. 

"She's here somewhere! Find her!" The Handler yelled out in rage as he watched his men fall to the ground under the door. Three groups of men broke off in different directions as the Handler and his team walked towards the pair. 

"Now!" Allison whisper yelled to Luther as she jumped back into the driver's seat and Luther grabbed onto the side of the car, racing straight towards the team. 

"Allison! Allison, these men have guns!" Luther yelled as he tried to push himself onto the car and bullets bounced off the car. 

But Allison's focus was on the Handler, their eyes locked as the car gained speed, wheels racing towards the man. He fixed his jacket and winked before he and his men vanished from sight causing Allison to slam on the breaks as the screeched towards the staircase leading down to the lake. 

 "Jump!" She called out as she kicked open her door and lept into the grass, Luther falling down beside her and they heard the Jeep crashing down the stairs followed by and tide wave causing a splash. The pair walked to the top of the stairs the see the remaining metal that littered the stairs as well as the now sinking Jeep. 

"I'm never getting into a car with you again," Luther remarked before walking away. Allison rolled her eyes before following behind him. 

Klaus and Five stood surrounded by men in black covering the ground. Unsure if they were simply unconscious of if they were dead Klaus looked to Five in shock. Five simple wiping the blood from his hands tossing the napkin to fall on the unrecognizable face of one of the men. 

"I'm taking a vacation after this." He remarked as the pair walked further into the park. 

"You scare me," Klaus commented before the two caught sight of Luther and Allison. The four met Luther taking in his brothers' bloody appearances. Rolling his eyes and muttering something about ethics. "Is everything going to plan?" Klaus asked in a hushed voice. 

"Swimmingly." Allison nodded. Klaus visually relaxed, whether the tension has from the fight or from worry his siblings couldn't tell but they glanced around at each other. Before they could move they heard a scream as a man in all black flew past them slamming against a tree. Their attention turned to his attacker seeing Vanya with her violin tightly in hand. 

"This isn't a stroll in the park, let's go." She called out as the four noticed the majority of the Handler's men had found Vanya first and she had been fighting them off since. She swept the legs out from under one man before undercutting another. One move seamlessly flowing into another as if this fight had been planned out, the men falling to the group like flies as she knocked them unconscious. All the while sending sound waves out pushing the men back further into the park. 

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