Way It Goes - Hippo Campus

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As the pair returned home the group of children looked at the girl with questioning glances, all except for a young Klaus who sat with a gleeful smile across his face. Charlotte gave a soft smile to the seven children as Grace grabbed a chair adding it to the table for the newcomer. Although Charlotte had spent days with the group and helped them save the world she still felt as though she was outside of the group, possibly due to the fact that she wasn't yet in uniform.

"Are you hungry dear?" Grace's voice cooed being the first one to break the silence, Charlotte shook her head no.

"Thank you but no." She said softly, she kept her eyes down peering through her lashes occasionally. As the group finished eating she felt a foot lightly tap her, looking up she saw Klaus with a small smirk and then once again her foot was tapped. She gave a small smile and tapped his foot back, it became an all-out war to see who would stop first.

"Grace, would you make up a room for Number 8." Sit Hargreeves asked the maid and all eyes grew wide, some looked towards the man and others turned towards the girl. Charlotte just looked down at her empty plate, she wasn't prepared to be brought into the group so quickly. Grace nodded and left to make up a room for the new member. "You are all dismissed." The man's voice cut through the silence yet again.

All the children rose and ran off to their rooms. They all met in Luther's room to discuss what was happening, Vanya seemed to be the most confused out of all.

"How are we back here?" She asked anger growing inside of her. Charlotte was unsure if she was supposed to act like the past never happened or if they were going to let Vanya in on her ending the world.

"It was our only way to survive," Allison said slowly, clearly they were telling her the truth.

"Survive? What do you mean to survive?"

"You destroyed the world, Vanya." Diego's voice lulled in his same unamused tone.

"I did what?" She yelled. To which everyone shushed her.

"Something came over you, you were either gonna destroy everything but when we tried to stop you it ended up happening anyway," Allison explained.

"Bringing everyone back and redoing our childhoods so that you learn to control your powers was the only way to avoid the apocalypse." Five said simply. Vanya looked at him with wide eyes.

"This time we're all in it together. No lies, no excluding, none of it." Allison said giving her sister a smile. Vanya nodded not returning the smile as she looked down at the floor.

"I need to think this over." She mumbled before turning and running to her own room.

"Well, that went better than I thought," Charlotte said with a smile. The group nodded and mumbled in agreement.

"Well, I can't say that I'm thrilled to be back." Diego introjected as he crossed his arms. The group yet again nodded in agreement.

"We have to do better this time around, everyone needs to make it a priority to keep Vanya in the loop," Luther said stepping into his leadership position. The group nodded and then everyone left the room. Charlotte Klaus and Ben all walked into Klaus' room.

"It's crazy being back here," Ben said sitting criss-cross on the floor.

"A second chance to do things differently," Klaus said as he flopped into his bed. Charlotte sat next to Ben listening to the two boys exchange.

"Yeah," Ben replied somberly as he looked down at the floor. Charlotte looked towards him wondering how close they were to the date that he died. She furrowed her brows and looked towards the ground, if she could save her dad then she could save him as well.

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