Crazy=Genius - Panic! At The Disco

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Luther came in a few moments later, he wore a hoodie over his head but Charlotte didn't know if this was to hide his hangover or to hide his body. Either way, she had already seen it.

"Here you go, big buddy," Klaus said with a smile pouring him a cup of coffee but as he lifted it up to his lips Five reached over and grabbed it from him.

"God, who do I have to kill get a decent cup of coffee?" Five asked looking personally offended by the coffee he had just drunk. Charlotte giggled at the old man's attitude.

"Alright, where is everybody?" Klaus asked looking around the room.

"Can we just get this started? Luther groaned as he hung low to the table.

"Well there's no easy way to say this," Klaus started pausing for a long moment. "I conjured Dad last night." He said waving a spatula around.

"I thought you said you hadn't been able to conjure anyone in years," Luther said with doubt.

"Yeah but I'm clean now, I got clean last night it's a long story but the important part is that I saw Dad last night! Oh and Charlotte and I kissed" Klaus said urging his brothers to believe him throwing a wink at Charlotte.

"Not the point Klaus," Charlotte said rolling her eyes and the childish man.

"Alright I'll play, what did dear old Dad have to say?" Five asked with a false smile.

"Well, he gave me the usual lecture about my appearance and how I'm failing him. But he did mention something about his murder or lack thereof because he killed himself." Klaus said whispering the last part sadly.

"I don't have time for your games Klaus," Luther said standing up to leave.

"No, I'm telling the truth. I'm telling you the truth." Klaus said reaching out for his brother to reason with him.

"Why'd he do it then?" Five asked seemingly intrigued in what Klaus was saying.

"He said it was the only way to get us all back together," Klaus said in a lul-voice.

"Dad wouldn't just kill himself," Luther said sounding more awake than Charlotte thought he was capable of.

"You said it yourself. That you thought he was acting strange, what if this is why?" Charlotte asked tired of Luther not seeing clearly.

"There weren't any signs. Suicidal people have tendencies like strange behavior-" Luther protested.

"Like sending someone up to the moon for no reason?" Klaus asked waving the spatula up towards the sky. Luther stared at him with hard eyes.

"I swear to god Klaus if you're lying," Luther said his voice low and dangerous.

"I'm not!" Klaus said putting his tattooed hands up innocently.

"Master Klaus is correct," A new voice spoke up and all heads turned to see that Pogo had entered the room. "Regretfully, I helped Master Hargreeves in act his plan." He said softly.

"What?" Luther questioned holding a lot more than disbelief in his eyes.

"So did Grace, it was a difficult choice for both of us. More difficult than you could ever know." He said sighing. "Prior to your father's death, Grace's program was adjusted so that she could not perform first aid on that fateful night."

"Sick bastard" Klaus mumbled out.

"So the tape we saw?" Luther asked staring down at Pogo.

"Was meant to further the mystery. Solving it together would reignite your desire to be a team again." Pogo explained further.

"To what end?" Five asked curiously.

"To save the world of course," Pogo said matter of factly.

"Oh yeah of course," Klaus said with a girlish giggle strung throughout his sentence. Charlotte looked over at him catching his eyes giving him a soft smile before looking back at Pogo.

"The moon mission and now this," Luther said staring down at his hands. "You watched me search for answers and said nothing." He said as betrayal dripped from every word. "Anything else you wanna share Pogo, any other damn secrets?" Everyone stepped in now trying the get the large man to calm down, as a flash of hurt flickered across Pogo's face.

"Luther calm down." Klaus urged.

"No I won't calm down we've been lied to by the one person we thought we could trust." He said spitting acid with every word at the small figure.

"It was your father's dying wish, Master Luther. I- I had no choice." Pogo said trying to reason with the man. Luther stepped towards him towering over him.

"There's always a choice." He said dangerously low before stepping past Pogo and leaving the room. Charlotte looked at him with sad eyes, Pogo then left without another word.

"I gotta think." Five mumbled before flashing away in an outline of blue leaving just Klaus and Charlotte, Klaus glanced over to the empty chair next to him.

"What's that about?" She finally asked.

"What?" Klaus asked shocked as if he had been pulled out of a train of thought.

"You always glance and mumble to the side, why?" She asked glancing from Klaus to the emptiness.

"My brother Ben," Klaus said slowly. "He's with me most of the time," Klaus explained nodding over towards the emptiness. Charlotte nodded slowly looking between Klaus and Ben.

"Why can't I see him?" She asked furrowing her brows.

"It doesn't work like that," Klaus said simply, once again Charlotte nodded.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Ben." She said with a questioning tone.

"He said it's nice to meet you too," Klaus said with a smile to which Charlotte returned.

"Alright, I've got to head out to the office and make sure it hasn't fallen apart." She said getting up and walking over to Klaus giving him a quick peck. "But come get me or call me if there's anything serious." She said with a smile. "Bye Klaus, Bye Ben!" She called over her shoulder as she left the kitchen.

Making her way through the house and to the outside she called a cab and relaxed on the short ride to the veterinary. She smiled seeing that it wasn't burnt down or in total ruins. Getting out of the cab and walking into the office she smiled greeting one of the younger nurses who was working the front desk. She walked through the lobby and into her private office where she changed into scrubs. She was a few hours into paperwork and bills when a nurse came back into her office.

"Charlotte, there's a man and his son here. Says he has to talk to you." Natalie said sweetly with a smile, Charlotte nodded getting up from her desk.

"Well alright then." She said with a soft chuckle she and Natalie walked back out to the lobby, the young nurse returning to the front desk. She looked up seeing Klaus and Five. "Right this way." She said leading the two back to her office.

"Allison is in danger," Klaus said quickly causing Charlotte's eyes to grow wide. She pushed them out of the office.

"Give me a second." She said closing the door and putting on her street clothes.

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