Father - Demi Lovato

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Charlotte stepped out of her office a minute later back in her jeans and in Klaus' shirt, she had her leather jacket in hand as she and the two males walked through the office.

"Sorry Natalie, I've got to run." She said waving to the nurse who smiled and nodded. The three ran down the sidewalk to meet Diego and Luther at a nearby bar. They walked in to see Diego and Luther talking, Luther looked like shit.

"I'm done with all of it. With him, with you, with this family. You wanna save the world? You go right ahead." Luther said wallowing in his own self-pity. Klaus tapped on his wrist looking at Charlotte and Five, they both nodded before looking back at Diego and Luther.

"You wanna turn your back on me, the guys, and Charlotte? Fine, but Allison deserves better than that." He said picking up his leather gloves from the table.

"Allison, what are you talking about?" Luther asked looking at his beer.

"We got a hold of Harold Jenkins police file, turns out Vanya's boyfriend is a convicted murder," Diego said explaining, wasting time.

"So where's Allison now?" Luther asked concern filling his voice.

"She decided to go after Harold Jenkins. Alone." Diego said calmly as the group watched Luther's sense build back up in him.

"You should've led with that!" He yelled quickly getting up in a hurrying towards the door with the four running after him. The group squeezed into Sir Hargreeves car and drove towards the address Diego had found and believed that was where Allison was going.

"Some killer, he has to hide out at his grandmother's house," Charlotte mumbled causing both Klaus and Five to laugh. The group drove down the highway and then down a dirt road for hours before they finally arrived at the house. Quickly they all rushed out of the car.

September 2, 2001

It was a brisk fall day, it had been raining for the past few days so all the kids rushed outside to play at the first sign of sunshine. They all laughed as they fell due to the wet leaves that they'd normally jump in. James and his friends went into the woods to play soldier and shot at one another with stick guns. Charlotte sat in the front yard watching the birds and the clouds roll by.

"What a beautiful day!" A voice chirped causing a smile to grow on the twelve-year-olds face.

"Bluebird!" She cheered happily looking over, a few feet away the bluebird sat on the branch on one of the brushes that lined the young girls home.

"Let's go fly!" The bird cheered to the young girl. The two had become fast friends and would fly as often as Charlotte could get away. Looking around she moved behind the bush allowing a wave of warmth to flood her body. Together she and the bird flew up into the sky well above the neighborhood, they flew over the forest where she could see James playing and then they began to fly somewhere Charlotte hadn't been before.

"Where are we going?" She asked the bird slowing down.

"I'm not sure sometimes I just like to fly until I'm too tired to go anymore!" He cheered cause Charlotte to laugh.

"I can't fly too far because I still have to find my way home," she explained. "I'm gonna go back but I'll see you later." And with that Charlotte and the bird parted ways. She began to fly home but as she passed over the forest she saw a cloud of smoke forming above the trees a few yards away. Curiosity getting the best of her as she flew down to see what was happening.

"Please don't let it be James." She mumbled to herself knowing the boy had always been the one to push the limits too far but as she grew closer she saw that it was not James at all. 

She landed on the ground behind a tree and shifted back into herself running out to where two cars sat, smoke and oil flooding the area around them. She ran to the first car and found a woman moaning in pain. Reaching in the car she grabbed the woman's mobile phone dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A female voice asked on the other end.

"There's been a car crash on Fox Hill Run!" The girl said shakily into the phone.

"Is anyone hurt?" The voice asked.

"Yes, there's a woman who is awake but bleeding. The other car is upside down so I can't tell." The twelve-year-old said as she started to cry trying to be brave.

"Okay first responders will be there soon." Charlotte nodded and put the phone back in the woman's lap, walking over around the sedan to see the other car. From the sky, she could see it was upside down but now on the ground, she could see the car was nearly crushed. Her eyes widened as she looked at the familiar car.

"No," She sighed out walking over to the car her vision becoming cloudy as tears filled her eyes faster than they could roll down her cheeks. Dropping to her knees she saw him. Her father hung upside down from the driver's seat, he looked like he was asleep. A loud cry escaped the girl's lips as she nudged her father. "Dad?" She called out not getting a response. "Dad!" She yelled out tears and snot running down the young girls face as she sat amongst the oil and glass. She heard sirens making their way towards the scene so she closed her eyes and turned back into a bird.

The crow flew over the forest and back to her house, landing at the side of the house she transformed back into herself and laid in the grass. She cried till she fell asleep. She woke up to James shaking her rambling on about the fact the there was a police officer in the house. The two twins ran inside although Charlotte already knew what he was going to say.

"I'm so sorry for your loss ma'am," Ha said putting a hand on their mother's to try and comfort her. She nodded holding in her tears, she showed the man the door and then silently walked up to her bedroom. The door closed softly but both the children could hear their mother's loud cries through the wood.

"Dad's gone?" James asked looking shocked at Charlotte who simply nodded, her eyes filling up with tears once again. James and Charlotte sat in the living room holding one another as they cried over the loss of their father.

Current Day

The five ran through the yard and up the porch together throwing the front door open.

"Allison!" Luther yelled as he ran to her body which laid on the ground in a pool of her own blood. 

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