The Gentle Hum of Anxiety - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

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The three returned later that afternoon, Charlotte and Klaus had watched the parade from the television in their hotel and as the team returned to clean up and leave there was a harsh silence in the room. Vanya was so shaken up by watching the man die in front of her that she had been unable to say a word while Allison and Charlotte would throw disapproving glances at one another. Klaus and Five seemed to be the only two that no longer had any tension between them. Five created a portal for the group and they returned home being welcomed by the same mess their brothers had found only a few hours ago.

"What the hell?" Klaus mumbled as he walked hand in hand with Charlotte through the house.

"They're back!" Ben yelled into the house as we walked towards the group. "Don't touch anything we're looking for clues." He said as Vanya put down some of the broken mugs she was picking up.

"I thought you were solving the issue not creating another." Five questioned with disgust.

"Can we know what that issue is now?" Allison asked as she tried to walk through the mess.

"Criminals from Hotel Oblivion were able to return here, they took Dad, Grace, and Pogo and are going to kill them unless we find the three clues they left," Ben explained as he took the note out of his pocket and handed it to Allison, the note was passed around until it made its way back to Ben.

"Oh so nothing too serious then," Charlotte said rolling her eyes. Klaus squeezed her hand in reassurance but also because he found her remark hilarious.

"There's no time for jokes." Luther's voice commanded as he walked into the room, although he was trying to lead the group it was clear that he was flustered and confused, Charlotte could recognize that look from anywhere.

June 15, 2013

The team wasn't much of a team anymore, all the Hargreeves were now twenty-four years old and had slowly but surely gone their separate ways. Charlotte hadn't heard from Klaus in so many years that she almost couldn't remember his face, of course in her dreams every detail of his boyish charm features was over analyzed but when she would wake up it was as if they had only been strangers. Charlotte sat at her desk typing up the last of a news story as he coworkers all left for the night, she hadn't realized had late it had grown until a janitor come by to empty her bin. She collected her things and left the building walking back to her apartment past the filled bars and restaurants.

"Charlie?" A male voice called out causing her to turn around with a bright smile.

"Deedee!" She called back happily jumping into the man's arms. "What in the world are you doing here?" She asked pulling away from the embrace.

"I'm here looking for you actually," He started his words coming out slower than usual. "I, well we need your help," Diego said stepping to the side to show that Luther and Ben were also with him. She watched both of them closely, Luther had a deep look of confusion and concern painted across his face while Ben just seemed paranoid.

"What's going on?" Charlotte asked looking confused at the three men she'd grown to love as brothers.

"Tomorrow night is the night that I die," Ben said gravely, suddenly the sound of people cheering and laughing was washed away and all Charlotte could hear were those words repeating in her head.

"How can I help?" She asked a look of determination growing on her features.


"Hey, James!" Charlotte said sweetly into the phone as she and the three men stood in her apartment.

"Hello, Charlotte." He said sounding exhausted. "Why are you calling it, oh my gosh, Charlotte it's nearly midnight," James responded causing Charlotte to scrunch her nose despite the fact she knew her biological brother couldn't see her response.

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