The End of The World - Skeeter Davis

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November 20, 1963

Charlotte stood looking at her adopted sister with her jaw hung low, gapping at the woman and at what she had just said there task would be. Allison gave a small smile before reaching out a lightly lifting her sister's jaw so that her mouth would be closed. Suddenly the nice area around them with the happy children and upbeat music faded away as Charlotte thought over the fact that she was seriously considering taking someone's life.

"Charlotte?" Allison asked cautiously knowing her sister was going to need time to process but they truly didn't have a lot of time.

"Allison, I don't know if I can be a part of this," Charlotte said as she drifted off towards the end of her sentence. Her thoughts flooded with thousands of questions and concerns all of which wanted to be said and yet Charlotte found herself in a state of silence.

"Look, Charlie, I know it's a lot. It took me a while to come to terms with. But if this stops an apocalypse then I think it's worth it." Allison said taking her sister's hand softly. Charlotte's gazed traced their hands and then looked up to Allison confusion still clear in her face.

"You said it was the same people Five used to work for?" Charlotte asked receiving a nod from Allison. "Last time the world was ending they were helping it happen. Why suddenly do they want to stop it?" Charlotte asked now leaving Allison speechless, the women hadn't thought about that fact.

"Well, um..." She stammered trying to find the words.

"What if these sociopaths just have us doing the dirty work and we start an apocalypse." Charlotte continued her train of thought growing faster.

"Well, I don't appreciate the term sociopath." A cool voice spoke as the world seemed to slow till it came to a complete halt, the colors around them all becoming more vibrant. Despite everything around the pair stopping, Allison and Charlotte were quick to snap in the direction of the voice eyeing the man who stood in a teal suit. His handlebar mustache as perfectly groomed as Allison remembered. Charlotte eyed the Dr. Seuss looking character as he walked closer to the two women.

"Who the hell are you?" Charlotte asked taking a step in front of her adopted sister who quickly stepped up next to her. The man chuckled at their actions as he came to stand a few feet in front of them.

"I'm the handler, as in I handle situations." He said simply with a smile. "I've come here to answer your many questions." He said and then paused allowing time for the pair to question his motives.

"Why are you now stopping the apocalypse when earlier you were trying to get it to happen?" Charlotte asked not fully trusting the man. Now that he was closer she was able to eye his purple tie and matching pocket square, he wore a white shirt under his teal vest and jacket with matching slacks. His brown dress shoes shined in the bright green grass, the bows tying them together perfectly tied.

"I wasn't the handler then. While some things are always going to happen, like the apocalypse I am trying to prolong it for as long as possible while the last handler. Well, let's say she had another agenda." He said, his voice stay smooth and relaxed as he chatted about the end of the world.

"Why pick us to stop it then?" Allison asked now realizing the doubts she had in the man.

"Your family fought hard against the first apocalypse. We figured that you'd be hurt if we didn't involve you." HIs voice once again coming out like honey as he chuckled at his own remark.

"Why does killing John Kennedy stop an apocalypse?" Allison continued her curiosity peaking.

"The president will soon make a deal with a certain man who we can't kill, but this deal will involve nuclear weapons, unlike anything the world has ever seen. If these weapons are used they will destroy the planet." He explained although Charlotte could tell there was information he was leaving out.

"Why can't you kill the other man?" She asked doubtfully.

"He will end up doing something that the board has deemed monumental, therefore we can't tamper with it." He said his tone showing his disagreement.

"What does this man do?" Allison asked with an equal amount of doubt.

"I can't share that information, it would expose that person's identity which I'm not at liberty to say." He said quickly fixing his tone and returning to his calming voice.

"Well, then we aren't at liberty to assassinate the president." Charlotte sassed back raising a brow. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes the man nodded and cleared his throat.

"The man in question will aid to the stopping of another apocalypse." He said shortly, both the girls realized this wasn't the full story but were temporarily satisfied with the answer. "Alright, you ladies ready to get to work?" He asked as he picked up a brow case neither of the women had noticed previously. He opened it a pulled out two outfits that Charlotte noticed fit in well with what the frozen adults around them were wearing.

"Thank you," Allison said as she took the outfit from the man. Charlotte followed suit as well.

"Once I leave you'll have ten minutes to change before the world returns." He said simple closing the case. "I'll be sending notes along the way, so listen for any odd noises." He continued with a smile. Allison and Charlotte looked at one another confused before they heard a pop and noticed the man was gone, they quickly got undressed and then dressed in there outfits. Both in three-quarter length sleeves and a shin-length skirt. Along with a pair of kitty heals the two women looked like simple housewives.

As the time returned to the world the two made there way down the street walking arm and arm with one another towards a hotel that Allison had been previously told to go to.


Ben and Vanya were both in the kitchen, Vanya was pacing back and forth along the length of the table while Ben sat at the head of the table with his head in his hands. The pair had been pondering over how they would get to there brothers without Five's powers. Grace had come into the room a few times offering to make the two breakfast but every time they had denied. As Ben could hear footsteps coming towards them he groaned slightly.

"Mom, we're not hungry." He said not looking up at the figure standing in the doorway.

"Number Six, I am not your mother nor will I be making you a meal." The sharp voice of Sir Hargreeves spoke as he walked into the room. Ben's head snapped up to eye his father and Vanya had stopped in her tracks as the man went to a bowl full of fruit grabbing an apple.

"We need your help," Vanya said not care to have a chit-chat.

"Of course you do," Sir Hargreeves chuckled. Vanya rolled her eyes and looked towards Ben to speak as she took a seat at the table.

"Luther, Diego, Klaus, and Five are all still at the Hotel Oblivion and we have no way to get to them with Five," Ben explained, the mention of the hotel catching his father's attention.

"Oh, well that's not what I thought you meant at all." He remarked as he cleaned his monocle.

"What did you think we meant?" Vanya asked confused on what other problems the family was having.

"This." Sir Hargreeves said pulling out a slip of paper from his pocket. Vanya and Ben peered down at the old slip of newspaper their father had put on the table. It was a picture from November 22, 1963, the day that John F. Kennedy was shot. The photo was moments before the president was shot and into a small girl was holding up a sign that had the Umbrella Academy logo within the word "Love" the sign read "Peace, Love, Hope." Both Vanya and Ben looked to one another with confusion before looking up to their father.

"Allison has a poster with those three words on it in her bedroom," Vanya commented slowly putting the pieces together.

"And Charlie drew the academy logo on it when we were young," Ben added also putting pieces together.

"I have a feeling Number 3 and 8 are sending you a message." Sir Hargreeves hummed. "Let's go get the boys and then you lot can deal with the girls." He said as he left the kitchen causing Vanya and Ben to jump up and follow after him.

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