Sunrise - Empty Bottles

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A pair walked along an empty and misty road. People passed by them but their forms were only a blur that neither of them could focus on. Together they walked towards the people they love the most, the mist seemed to be making it harder and harder for them to walk and as they neared their family the mist grew thicker as if they were walking in knee-high sand.

"We can do this Ben." Sir Hargreeves said as he pushed forward.

"We have to," Ben mumbled main to himself although his hushed voice echoed off the blurred bodies and buildings around them, dancing atop the mist. A small tapping began to grow louder as the men walked causing them to pause, the mist began to move upwards as if a small force was running under it. The force went right to Ben washing him over with mist leaving Sir Hargreeves alone.

The Hargreeves

Klaus' fist clenched slightly as he thought over what Vanya said, it was then that he also could feel his brother standing next to him.

"Klaus..." Ben's voice breathed out hesitantly. Klaus glanced at him from the corners of his eyes before turning in the opposite direction and walking out into the hall. Of course Ben followed.

"You were going to-" He couldn't bring himself to finish the phrase. The deep pity in his stomach that he normally could ignore now thrust itself into pain, he needed a high.

"You have to see it from my point of view Klaus..." Ben started waiting for Klaus to snap back at him with a witty remark but he remained silent. "I had grown so close to her, in ways that I never imagined and over time it just developed into love. I didn't want to hurt you." He finished softly. Looking towards his brother with his head hung low. Ben continued to talk, to try and warn his brother of the dangers to come but Klaus didn't listen and once again the man stood alone in the hall.

Klaus looked down at the fake wood floor studying ever crafted line that a machine had pressed into the plastic, his eyes followed the artificial flow of the lines until they took him to the end of the hall. A pair of sneakers stood over the remainder of the line he was following and as his eyes traveled up the sneakers and passed the pair of jeans and over the large sweatshirt his eyes finally landed on the flushed face of Charlotte. Her eyes were swollen and red, her face was pale with the exception of her pink cheeks.

"Klaus." She whispered out but he heard it from where he stood, the call of his name giving him the stretch to push off the wall and run to her, crashing their bodies together and hugging the girl tightly.

"Where the hell did you go?" He whispered out in desperation as he hung onto the woman for dear life.

"Selfishly, for a walk." She replied, bringing a small smile to his face.

"Charlotte?" Allison's voice called from down the hall. Klaus and Charlotte both looked up to see all of the Hargreeves standing in the hallway.

"Hey, guys." She said weakly forcing a smile.

"I could kill you!" Diego yelled as he ran towards the pair, once again Charlotte was smashed into as her brother hugged her tightly. "If I wasn't so damn happy to see you." He mumbled before letting go of the girl.

"Are you alright?" Luther asked now that the rest of the siblings had met them in the hall.

"Why don't we take this inside." Five said nodding towards a small old woman who was peeking out of her door from down the hall.

"Sorry Mrs. Walsh!" Charlotte said kindly waving to the woman as the group entered her apartment.

"Where did you go- Are you alright- Have you seen this- Why won't you tell us- We were worried sick- I'm starving- Are you hurt- You didn't just come back from ending the world right- Do you know how it happens yet- Can I get you anything?" The tsunami of questions washed over Charlotte as she walked into her kitchen getting a glass of water, as she sat down she let her siblings continued their ongoing wave of words.

"Snacks are in the left cabinet," Charlotte said motioning towards the doors for Five.

"That's what you choose to respond to first?" Diego asked looking at the girl as if she was insane.

"I was waiting for you all to finish first." She said simply taking a sip of water.

"Well, the end of the world would come before that, since it's now coming TODAY!" He replied back, his eyes practically popping out of his head. Charlotte felt Klaus put his hand on her back at the news.

"Well in that case, no I didn't come back from ending the world... The trash in here smelled so I was taking it to the dumpster." She said once again taking a sip of water.

"Okay, maybe this is denial," Diego offered looking towards his siblings.

"You think Charlie is in denial?" Vanya asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Maybe..." Luther agreed as he watched the woman look at Klaus and tuck some of the hair behind his ear.

"Are you alright?" He whispered as his siblings kept having the silly debate.

"I'm okay, this has just been a wild day." She said, her voice cracking only slightly. The wall she was trying so hard to keep down was crumbling quickly as Klaus held her. "How are you?" She asked looking towards the letter a ring that was not where she left it. She could feel his muscles tense under his sleeves as he furrowed his brows.

"I'll figure that out after this is all over." He said and Charlotte only nodded not wanting to push the subject.

"Are you all done?" Charlotte asked turning to her siblings. Diego's face was bright red while Vanya was in the middle of rolling her eyes.

"What?" Luther asked shocked.

"I'm not in denial." She said followed but Vanya sticking her tongue out at Diego, causing Allison to step in between the pair. "If I don't do anything, then I can't start the apocalypse. If I'm just here listening to records or watching a movie, how would I possibly bring the planet to a fiery end." She said causing all of the Hargreeves to pause.

"If an event is meant to happen then the Handler will be sure to make it happen." Five said after a moment. Allison nodded.

"The man is crazy if he wants to bring the world down he's going to." She said recalling the deal she had made.

"Well, then I guess we know what we have to do," Luther said looking towards Charlotte. "We have to make sure that we keep the world safe." He said causing a hint of a smile to form on Charlotte's face.

"One last run for the Academy?" Vanya offered with a smirk.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Diego said bursting with excitement. As the group started to end to the door Charlotte looked towards Klaus.

"Are you sure about all of this?" He asked her with fear in his eyes.

"You aren't going to lose me, I promise." She said pulling the man down to kiss her. His arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer as her arms wrapped around his neck. They pulled apart leaning their foreheads against one another.

"Let's go kick some ass," Klaus said mocking Diego, Charlotte laughed and the pair ran hand in hand after their siblings, the group heading in the same direction, home.    

Author's Notes:
Well, I suck. It has been so long and I'm so so so sorry about that. I know most of my earlier readers have long since left and that I've totally let you guys down and for that, I am so sorry. I had an insane writer's block and then truly just lost the motivation to keep writing. But inspiration hit me and now we're back and hopefully better than ever! Chapters will be coming out at the very least weekly. Welcome back to the Academy, and let's kick some ass!      

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