See You Again - Tyler, The Creator

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The duo had finally made it to the tall apartment building, the growing mist made the six-story building seem as though it was a sixty story building. Sir Hargreeves looked towards Ben with a look of exhaustion, the thought of climbing up the multiple flights of stairs made the men roll their eyes but as they walked towards the double doors a blurry group of six pushed open the doors and walked through the men, Klaus was the only figure they could recognize, his figure being the only thing they had seen other than themselves that was blurry or covered in mist. The group seemed to float through the mist with ease as they walked past the duo and down the street.

"You've got to be kidding!" Ben yelled stomping his foot like a child. He clenched his fist as he sat down on the steps of Charlotte's apartment building.

"They're probably heading back towards the manor." Sir Hargreeves noted watching the walk towards the place they knew as home.

"Of course they are..." Ben mumbled putting his face in his hands. He took in a deep breath trying to calm down but as the group walked farther out of sight tears started to fill the man's eyes. He could hear his father continuing to talk about his voice was being drowned out by the voices in Ben's head.

'You've messed everything up.' 'They all hate you now.' 'Still can't help the group, typical.' 'Why do you even have powers, you always just end up a disappointment and dead.'

"No," Ben said to himself grabbing Sir Hargreeves attention.

"What son?" Sir Hargreeves asked looking towards Ben. The man stood up tall and grabbed his father's arm.

"I'm over this." He said closing his eyes and focusing hard, not on the voices in his head but on one person. The one person he knew could help.

"What the hell," Klaus asked in shock stopping in his tracks. The three men now stood in the entryway of the Hargreeves home all three looking to one another with questioning glances.

"I can't believe that worked," Ben said with the slightest bit of glee.

"How did you do that?" Klaus asked, look at his brother in shock, it had been years since a spirit had just shown up without Klaus wanting them to, and he certainly didn't want Ben to be showing up.

"Doesn't matter. We need to talk." Ben replied with determination.

"No thanks."


"What do you not understand about no."

"I understand it perfectly I'm just not listening."

"Well clearly you don't or else you wouldn't have stabbed me in the back." Klaus snapped, his tone was cold and the glare his eyes held would've killed Ben if he hasn't already dead.

"I'm sorry," Ben said softly dropping his head to look at the floor. "I didn't want to feel like this. I didn't want to fall in love with her, it just happened." The man kept his gaze down before realizing that his brother wasn't walking away, he slowly looked up looking the man in the eye.

"I know," Klaus said with a sign. He walked into the parlor and made himself a drink. "I feel so guilty about leaving her, I had to do it, but that time will always be something that kills me." He said softly before bringing the glass to his lips.

"You were protecting her." Ben offered.

"And it was all for nothing. I came back, and now within the day the world is going to end." He said before shooting back the rest of the drink slamming the cup against the bar.

"I know how you can stop it," Ben said.

"We do." Sir Hargreeves added stepping into the parlor. Klaus looked at them in shock.

"We overheard-" Ben began to tell Klaus all they had overheard the Handler and his right hand said in the alley, throughout the conversation Klaus grew more and angrier.

"We have to tell the team." He said when Ben had finally finished. "Stay here." He added running out of the room.

Within the hour the whole team knew the Handlers plan, they had figured out how to trap him and in the end, save the world. They stood in the entryway ready to charge out into the storm that was looming over their city. The once colorful city now was cloaked in grey, the sun was hidden deep behind thick black clouds. Large raindrops fell from the sky soaking everything they touched.

"We can do this," Luther said as he opened the door.

"Just stick to the plan," Diego added offering a smile towards Luther.

"I love you guys," Vanya said looking towards her siblings before she stepped outside. Five and Diego followed behind her, then Luther and Allison leaving Klaus and Charlotte to stand at the threshold of the home.

"I'm sorry, for leaving you alone and for starting this whole mess," Klaus said grabbing Charlotte's hand and squeezing it softly.

"Don't put that on yourself. We'll get through this and everything will be alright in the morning." She said with a smile. Klaus nodded and kissed her forehead before running out the door.

"Ms. Charlotte," a voice called. "I have what you asked for." Pogo said nodding his head back into the house.

The woman nodded and followed him up the stairs and to her father's office. There Sir Hargreeves had kept boxes for each member of the team. In each, there were notes, pieces of work, medical records, basic memories from their childhoods. She reached down and grabbed the box that had Ben's name scribbled on the box, taking a breath she opened up the box and looked down at his old drawings and photos. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the letter and ring he had left in her apartment. Taking a second glance and what was left of her friend she closed the box and tucked it back onto the shelf.

"Thank you Pogo." She said softly as he locked the cabinet again. She walked out of the office and down the stairs towards the front door.

"Goodbye dear," Grace said with a motherly smile.

"I'll be back," Charlotte reassured offering a smile to the pair that held raise her. The opened up the large wooden door and stepping out into the rain.

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