Ghost (1 mic 1 take) - Halsey

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"Yeah, I just need to go see something." He said clearly in his own head as he walked out of the room as well. Charlotte took in a deep breathe running her fingers through her hair before walking out of the room and of the house. 

She went on her way and arrived at her office after a few blocks. Sitting in her office not getting changed or starting any paperwork but just staring off into space. She tapped her foot slowly growing annoyed with the way events were playing out. Klaus had just traveled in time to who knows when and done who knows what and he wouldn't open up about it, clearly, it had been bad. Picking up her phone she dialed a number she hadn't called in a long time.

"Hey it's me, can I come to see you?" She asked her voice shaking slightly. Hanging up the phone she grabbed her jean jacket and left the office apologizing to her nurses but explaining that she had to go. Calling a cab she sat down and gave the driver the address, after a short drive she made it to her destination. Stepping out of the cab she walked quickly into the bar to avoid the rain, stepping inside she glanced around at the men trying to find a familiar face.

"Hey pumpkin," A deep voice called from a card table, a tattooed arm reaching up into the air to get her attention. Charlotte smiled slightly at the action and walked over to the table hugging the large man who stood to greet her.

"Hey, Jacks." She mumbled against him. They hugged for a moment longer before she pulled away eyeing the men at the table. "Tommy, Connor, Ralph? It's a whole reunion." She said with a laugh as the kind men all stood to hug the girl they had grown to love as a daughter.

"So you wanna talk about it?" Jacks questioned eyeing the young woman. She smiled.

"I'd rather you just deal me in, been a while since I wiped the floor with you." She said with a smile causing all the men to laugh as she took a seat being handed her cards.

A few rounds had gone by when she noticed a confrontation happening by the pool table, she furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes to get a better look as she did she stood up. Before she could get to the other side of the bar the two men were already fighting with a few large men.

"Klaus! Diego!" She called out sternly causing all the fighting to stop. "Get the hell up." Soon all the men stood apart from one another. "Guys I'm sorry for my friends, another round on me." She said and the veterans grumbled. She walked to the bar and put done a few twenties, glaring at the men she nodded towards the door.

"You alright Knoles." Jacks asked suddenly next to the girl.

"Yeah just gotta sort somethings out, thanks for the game." She said hugging the man before walking out of the bar. "Anybody wanna explain what just happened?" She called out to the two men.

"You wanna know what's happening?" Klaus called back walking towards the woman.

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't!" She yelled out getting frustrated, Diego retreated to the car sitting in the driver's seat.

"I lost someone!" Klaus yelled his voice starting to shake. "I lost someone," He said softly. "The only person I've ever loved more than myself." He looked at the ground while he spoke not able to hold eye contact with the woman in front of him.

"When you traveled in time?" She asked not sure of how to respond, he only nodded. "Who was she?" She asked a mix of emotions playing in her heart. Sadness, jealousy, but most of all sympathy for the man in front of her.

"His name," He said emphasizing the pronoun. "Was Dave. Dave Knoles." He said finally looking up and the woman who stared at him shocked, she took a step back the sheer confusion hitting her physically.

"Oh," was all she was able to say. Klaus nodded and after a long moment of silence he got in the car and drove away with Diego.

Charlotte stood at the curb watching the men drive away, her hands covering her mouth as she cried, Klaus watched in the rearview mirror. He popped a pill in his mouth and looked forward focusing on his brother rather than the woman he was leaving behind. Charlotte wiped away her tears from her eyes and took a deep breath, pulling out her phone she called for a cab and went home. As she walked up the stairs she caught sight of Allison leaving Vanya's apartment.

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