Where the hack are we

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I came to about an min or so. "I'm still in the game what's going on" I thought before trying the GM call getting nothing. I felt something coming I used my Hunter mode to hide. I saw Sebas walked out of Nazarick looking around it was only now that I saw that I was in grassland instead of a swamp. "I need to find Momonga." I thought before moving inside the tomb. I wasn't a members so I had to use my hunter mode to get in without getting attacked.

I knew the tomb like the back of my hand. I had help the Nine make about 80% of the tomb. I got past the first two floors with no problem but when I got to the 3rd I saw her. Shalltear Bloodfallen she was the floor guardians I was firmly with the most because she attacked me when I gave Genjiro some bug parts. I saw her open a gate and walked throw it. I quickly followed her throw to find myself at the arenas pit.

I saw Momonga and two dark elf I also notes I was really close to Shalltear like a inch or two a way from her. Lucky she run up to Momonga throwing her arms around him hugging him. I moved to where I was just behind Momonga as Shalltear and one of the elf's got into a fight. Soon after a vermin lord, succubus and arch-devil arrived.

"I am SO glad my hunter mode makes it where I can't be seen or detected. 1v1 I can beat them no problem BUT a 6v1 problem. I can beat them but I would more then likely have to use my curse or my BIG game hunt load out." I thought watching Momonga and the other who I found out where the other floor guardians talking about this new world.

I saw Sebas inter the pits he saw me but I pot my finger to my mouth telling him to not say anything. He just walked over to Momonga bowing to him. Sebas was made by my brother and was the only one who could see me when I was in my hunter mode.

"Sebas how dose it look out there?" Momonga asked. "It a peeress that the swamps that where around the great Tomb of Nazarick has been replaced with grassland. I could not detect a singling building, human, or monster in a eleven kilometer radius my lord" He said. "Grassland? Hmm. What about Lord Dixon where you able to find him?" Momonga asked

"You can try looking behind you" I said canceling my Hunter mode making everyone but Sebas shocked that I was there. "Hello everyone I am Dixon Alves a pleasure to meet you all." I said taking off my hat to reveal my brow hair, and my one blue eye and one green eye bowing slightly to them in greeting. "Please call me Dixon." I said rising

"Dixon how did you get here?" Momonga asked not expecting me to be right behind him. "I followed Shalltear" I answered. "I see these are the floor guardians Cocytus, Demiurge, Mare, Aura, and Albedo you already know Shalltear" He said intruding the guardians to me. "Yes we know each other" I said looking a Shalltear who was glaring at me.

"Lord Momonga who is this 'human' " asked Albedo she had said human like it was a poison not like I can blame her all the NPCs in the tomb had a deep hatred for humans.

"Albedo this 'human' as you said is Lord Dixon Alves the younger brother of Lord Touch Me and a fellow Supreme One of Ainz Ooal Gown." He stated making me and the other floor guardians blink in surprise I know the others members saw me as one but I wasn't. "Also Albedo if it wasn't for Lord Dixon here you and the others guardians. Even Nazarick it self won't be here" He said

"W-what do you mean my lord?" Asked Mare. "Dixon was know as a hunting god! There wasn't a monster he can't beat. This made getting what Nine's Own Goal need much easer." Momonga said

"I help make about 80% of Nazarick" I added. "Anyways what's the plain for this new world?" I asked trying to take the focus off me. The plan was to have Mare well use his magic to cover the walls with dirt as well make smaller mounds of varying sizes to make it all look natural.

"Now, one last thing, floor guardians. I wish to know what you think of me and lord Dixon" Momonga asked. This caught me listening I also wanted to know what they thought of us especially me I could guess they thought highly of Momonga because he the leader of Ainz Ooal Gown but what of me?

Shalltear spoke first "You are the most beautiful being in the whole world, the crystallization of beauty" She said.


"Merciful leader who rule with foresight" Aura spoke

"Very kind person" Mare said

"A being who make wise decisions and act upon them efficiently. A being that fit the word "Inscrutable" Demiurge said

"The most powerful of the Supreme Ones and the ruler of Nazarick. The most merciful of the supreme ones, who stayed with us until the end." Sebas said

"The most high ranking of the Supreme beings. Lord Momonga, the ruler of all of us and the man I love!" Albedo declared I notes that the all the guardians where looking at Momonga when they where taking so I guessed that they don't have an opinion of me.

The Old Hunter Of Nazarick (Dark souls X Overlord) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now