EP tries to humiliate me and take my laptop in front of friends

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People involved: Me - The main character who has protagonist powers ET - Entitled Teen, might be an alien EM - Entitled Mom CT- Cool Teacher F1 and F2 - Friends 1 and 2 SC- Security Guard

So I had been in school, I had just finished lunch and had just started 5th period, my third block of the day, and had one left, 7th period, left in the day (School periods work a bit differently at my school for those wondering). I had my laptop in class as I need it for some of my classes, my 5th period included. I plugged it in to the outlet near where I was sitting at in order to charge it, as it had run low on battery in my last period. I plug in my headphones (My science teacher lets us wear headphones and listen to music or a video while we work, as long as we do work. She's one of the 2 coolest teachers I have) to listen to some music while I do my assignment and not a minute later I get tapped on my shoulder. I turn my head and the girl sitting next to me was there. She never really called my attention as i usually talk to my friends, who sit at my table with me(Our science class has those long tables, there's 2 tables next to each other were I sat, Me and my friends at one, the girl and one other kid at the other one) but from today and here onwards, I'm gonna start calling her ET in my mind. Here's what happened:

Me: Uh, Hi? Can I help you?

ET: I need you to unplug your laptop, so I can charge my laptop

Me: Sorry, but my laptops at 24%, and I need to have battery for this and next class

ET: But I also need battery, My laptops at 15%

Me: (I always try to be nice, because I don't like being mean to others for some reason) fine, I'll let you charge it for a bit

I go to unplug my laptop, and I see a purple I phone charger plugged in to the other outlet, which leads to ETs charging phone on her desk.

Me: Wait, is this your phone?

ET: Yes,why?

Me: (Confused) why don't you just plug the phone into the laptop?

ET: My laptop doesn't charge my phone

Me: (I know she's lying about this, as I remember seeing her charging her phone on her laptop earlier in another class)

Well, Then how much charge does your phone have?


Me 87%? Then unplug your phone, and charge your laptop instead

ET: But I need the charge on my phone for after school!

Me: The phone will hold it's charge if you don't use it

ET: I also need charge for right now!

Me: (starting to get annoyed) What could you possibly need your phone for now?

ET: I need to communicate with mother (Yes, she said it this smugly)

Me: Now? In class?

ET: Yes

Me: Well, sorry then, but I'm gonna leave my laptop plugged in, I can't charge it next class, and you can just unplug your phone if you really need the charge

ET: But I need to use my phone and my laptop, or else my mom will get mad!

Me: My mom will get mad at me if my laptop dies and I get an F because I couldn't do an assignment, sorry.

At this point , ET is mad and gets on her phone. I think nothing of it and start working. A minute passes and I'm tapped on the shoulder again. Its ET again.

Me: what now?

ET: (Holding her phone to my face) My mom wants to talk to you

I see that shes in a call with her mom

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