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Backstory: It is late summer of 2017, in Minnesota and I work for a retail store as an assistant manager and my boyfriend also works for the same store but at a different mall. I was 18 and about to start my first year of online college because I hate being up at a normal time and the store I worked for was hella laid back (that maybe starts with a Z) and I always worked nights. My eyes started bothering me and giving me headaches so I decided to get them checked while dropping my boyfriend off for work since there was a vision works inside. This is my first time getting my eyes checked so I didn't know they were going to dilate them.

There isn't quite any dialogue in this situation from my perspective but any of the people I will refer to as EF- Entitled Family, PO- police officer, N- my boyfriend, S- store manager, Me- blindatthetime.

Flash forward 45 minutes- I was finally tired of trying to pick out a pair of glasses when I couldn't see myself In the mirror and I couldn't see my phone so I took a bunch of hilarious pictures that I reviewed later. Since it was only seemingly phones/screens and mirrors giving me troubles I decided to wander across the mall and sit in the store N works at because I didn't want to drive (I'm afraid of pretty much every warning in life and would panic in a final destination situation) the store had couches and an xbox in it, we will call it zeimuz, so I sat down to try and work on some paperwork for my location after joking around with their team about my pupils being dilated and one was bigger than the other. I whipped out some sunglasses before struggling to finish my work and that's when I heard-

S- "Hey what's up guys, welcome to Zeimuz."

EF- doesn't say anything but are holding some large bags.

S&N still joking around behind me at the counter while folding. A few more customers came and went and both of them were busy ringing things up or helping people shop. Meanwhile I was basically just an ornament in the store because my sight wasn't fully back yet. I was leaning over the table and to my right there is a foot wide sale shoe rack that I could see around. And in that direction is also adidas women's clothes and this lady talking very loudly about how much she loves her daughter and how she has to find THE PERFECT gift for her amazing child.

S- "is there anything I can grab down for you guys?"

EF- " No but you can leave me alone to do my shopping"

And of course this raised some red flags for everyone but we also just though that the group just wanted to be alone which does happen. Shortly after this I was looking back down but some movement caused me to look up and that's when I saw the EM drop her bag to her shoulder and start shoving leggings and shirts inside and extras to hold to "try on" she had two young adults on either side being look outs but they must have thought that I was just another customer.

S- "did you need a fitting room for those?"

Me- giving S no suspicious look but she knows what I mean

EF- "yes we both are trying these on" holding two pairs of leggings

This store has a strict one per fitting room policy for LP and after S got them into a fitting room I rushed over to N because security at this mall really likes to take their sweet time getting to situations.

Me-quietly "N call security now"

N-"what why?"

Me- nodding my head back towards the rooms.

EF- still loudly talking about how much they want to buy these things.

Me- "just do it now" I then rushed over to S who was in the front of the store and greeting other customers. We always had loud music playing so I wasn't worried about anyone hearing me that was from their group but there was one girl who was still walking around. "S I asked N to call security because I watched those ladies shove a bunch of stuff into their purse."

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